
Timer cheats

@Margareepostmaster said in #1:
> I’ve played three games this evening vs opponents whose timer stops functioning when they’re losing the game with minimal time remaining on their clock. I’ve started to wonder if it’s a glitch on my end, but I don’t believe so. One player was able to move his pawns up to get about three queens all with .5 seconds left. The timer runs out but then goes back to where it was before the opponent moved and the game continues. Some of his turns were well over the .5 seconds that was left!. Pretty frustrating to say the least. Anyone else experiencing this?

Hello @Margareepostmaster, You are right in all your observations, this is no new subject in lichess. There are many, many, many, really many posts about this issue. lichess keeps denying the problem, I have had public discussions on this subject in past forums, fights to say the least, I have made my protest by loosing 92 consecutive games in fast control games in the past , I have publicly challenged lichess to prove me wrong in my observations and of course they can't cause anyone makes a video of a bullet game or rapid or blitz and the evidence is there ... The usual official trolls and moderators (you will see the same usernames with the same troll answers in the forums) come and tell you that the problem is your internet connection, your hardware, your software, they tell you not to play bullet, to stop spreading lies, basically they will blame YOU (clearly bullying from a legal point of view) when the mistake is on lichess' side, their modus operandi is to orchestrate a direct public attack on anyone reporting this problem generated by lichess' trash algorithms and lichess' innability to fix the issue. The correct way for lichess as I have repeatedlty told them is to acknowledge the problem in the first place, ask the help of the community to find a solution among all and move forward, but it seems the ego of the developers and the people who take decisions in lichess is such that they do not admit mistake or guilt. A public apology on this regard is the right thing to do to show your true colours, keeping things under the carpet makes the problem bigger and is the typical childish thinking. Reminds me of Buddhist monks setting themself on fire in Tiannamen Square or before the cameras of the Forbidden City to make their claims visible, is this what lichess is waiting for ?

At this heights anyone is entitled to put a big question mark on the tranparency of the games played with these algorithms, I can inmediately think of manipulation of the games because the wrong behaviour of the clocks has a decisive result in the games, specially the fast time control games, not to mention the legal consequences in tournaments with prizes.
Requesting transparency seems to be an offense in these forums ( you will see the attacks) and in my view a "charitable organization" like lichess self defines, that survives on donations should above all be transparent and currently this issue is showing it is not!

Lichess is not the only online chess site with this problem, all of the online chess sites, to start with also has this problem, the difference is in they have acknowledge it (they whisper it with a very small and almost closed mouth but they acknowledged it) It seems here in lichess they have no problem ....??? By the way this will not be the last post about this issue, more are to come and flood the forums because there is really a big problem without any kind or perspective of solution that as I said before already puts in doubt and in the front page the transparency of the site.

PD I could privately share with you and upon request some of the past posts in the forums about this problem.
@jdwhite42 said in #6:
> @Margareepostmaster
> i believe InkyDarkBird is intending you to read t his part
> "Lag compensation
> Lichess compensates network lag. This includes sustained lag and occasional lag spikes. Compensation limits and heuristics are based on time control and already compensated lag, so the result should feel reasonable for both players. As a result, having a higher network lag than your opponent is not a handicap!"
I have lost even though I premoved the last move (on time)

thats because there is a server response time so if you have 0.03 seconds left your computer might not connect to the server before your time runs out. since you have decent connection, you don't get lag compensation. it's happened to me too, trust me
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@Margareepostmaster said in #1:
> I’ve played three games this evening vs opponents whose timer stops functioning when they’re losing the game with minimal time remaining on their clock. I’ve started to wonder if it’s a glitch on my end, but I don’t believe so. One player was able to move his pawns up to get about three queens all with .5 seconds left. The timer runs out but then goes back to where it was before the opponent moved and the game continues. Some of his turns were well over the .5 seconds that was left!. Pretty frustrating to say the least. Anyone else experiencing this?

There're many many threads about this subject. The algorithm responsible for this outrageous issue is called lag compensation, which basically gives seconds away to slow Internet users. As slower as your Internet is, the more seconds you will get. Lichess denies this fact, as others users have written. Lag compensation is an infamous algorithm, badly developed and worse integrated. As the majority of people here have very deficient Internet infrastructure, they do nothing. The only way to avoid this cheat is just to play long-time controls. The other possibility is to admit that you will be cheated in half of your games.

It's sad and the worst is the Lichess does nothing to sort this cheat out. Shame.

Lol bro you said that lichess denies that they give lag compensation while their website says the complete opposite as my link showed

do you have any proof that lichess denies lag compensation?
@jdwhite42 said in #18:
> @FryderykFranciszek
> Lol bro you said that lichess denies that they give lag compensation while their website says the complete opposite as my link showed
> do you have any proof that lichess denies lag compensation?

What Lichess denies is that lag compensation does not work. For them, it's running smoothly. But it's not true. Thousands of games are daily lost because of lag compensation, which compensates too much to slow Internet users. As simple as that. It's not too difficult to understand. And yes, I've chatted with a dev here on Lichess about this subject.
@jdwhite42 said in #13:
> @ContrabassFlute
> thats because there is a server response time so if you have 0.03 seconds left your computer might not connect to the server before your time runs out. since you have decent connection, you don't get lag compensation. it's happened to me too, trust me
bruh, that's so annoying

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