
Time to rematch

@JackStone73 said in #1:
> In my (Italian) culture, offering a "rivincita" to your opponent in case of victory is an act of fairplay.
> I hope you too can follow the same sportsmanship.
> If you don't have time to offer a rematch, don't even play the first one. Avoid making a bad impression
@JackStone73 said in #1:
> In my (Italian) culture, offering a "rivincita" to your opponent in case of victory is an act of fairplay.
> I hope you too can follow the same sportsmanship.
> If you don't have time to offer a rematch, don't even play the first one. Avoid making a bad impression
I deny that this is italian culture! italian culture is to have respect for the wishes of the opponent.
@glbert said in #2:
> this one was not enough for you?
> in my culture, refraining from reposting is an act of good behaviour on forums.
> i hope you too can follow the same principles of good communication.
> edit: if you are too self-absorbed to not follow your first topic up with a second one, don't even create the first one. avoid making a bad impression.

This is an assault. My intent is only to reaffirm a concept of culture that is missing in this world.
And this is the living proof of that shortcoming.
I think you still have a lot to learn about communication and fairplay.
@all_used_up said in #3:
> We don't all have the same culture. Not everyone likes to be offered a rematch"

You're joking, right?
@Hedgehog1963 said in #5:
> I'm analysing my game. No rematch for you.

You can analyze your game whenever you want, ...listen carefully, whenever you want.
A rematch is an act of fairplay.
@a_Tauri said in #6:
> ????
> Chi lo dice ? Mi sembra una affermazione arbitraria. Mi spiace, non condivido. E' al più una prassi da circolo, non una questione di fair play, e non è affatto condivisa universalmente. Ho frequentato un circolo per un po' di tempo, e non ho mai visto nessuno lamentarsi se l'avversario si alzava dal tavolino e se ne andava via senza concedere la rivincita. Naturalmente, dopo aver salutato educatamente. Si gioca se se ne ha tempo e piacere, non per obbligo.
> ( translation:
> Who says that ? It seems to me a totally arbitrary statement. Sorry, I do not confirm and I disagree. It's only a club habit at most, it has nothing to do with fair play or sportsmanship. And it is by no means universally shared. When I attended a club, in my Italy, no one complained if one left without conceding a rematch. Of course, after politely saying goodbye. Play if you like, not out of obligation )

Evidentemente abbiamo parametri diversi in termini di cultura.
Il mio circolo è diverso e i miei insegnanti ci hanno insegnato il rispetto per l'avversario. Dovrebbe essere così ovunque.
Ed io farò di tutto, per insegnare questo spirito educativo ai giocatori di scacchi con cui giocherò le mie partite.
Insegnare il fairplay dovrebbe essere un obbligo.
@TomasThrainsson said in #7:
> It's as simple as this: Nobody OWES you a rematch. If they want to play many different opponents during their session, who are you to question that??

I am Jackstone73's written up there but you didn't get the point.
Offering a rivincita (not only a rematch) is an act of fairplay.
@for_cryingout_loud said in #10:
> my son fell open and broke his leg i need to take him to the hospital.
> wait he sent me a rematch now i need to play him because his "culture" says i must

Best of luck for your son, ...teaching good acts of fairplay is a good thing.
@giacov said in #12:
> I deny that this is italian culture! italian culture is to have respect for the wishes of the opponent.

You didn't get the point, you are misrepresenting my thinking. This is what they taught me, to be fair, to be honest, to be good with people towards my opponents. Are you? can you say the same?

We got respect for the opponents, if they don't want to play, ok ....they don't play. But ....we offer that rematch, and they can accept it or they cannot accept it. They can choose.

Offering a rivincita is an act of fairplay, it's not an insult.

One day i hope you can understand this simple behavior.
Everyday that I talk to you, you make me stop wanting to be one of you but I 'm convinced that it 's only a matter of culture.

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