
Time per move

It would be interesting to implement maximum time per move. At least in the games of more than five minutes
you are right, when you posted this topic a game started and it is still running. how do you get it??
Tusker, to be frank, you aren't very funny. That game was set to a very lengthy time limit. It was the time limit agreed upon by both players, and both players enjoyed the slow game. In fact, at many points, the game was quite interesting to watch (mostly during the time you ran away). I don't see why you care how long someone else's games last. If the players agree to it, then that's how it is. If the clock says you have an hour, then you have as long as you want over the next hour to make your next move or decide to resign. That's how it works over the board, too in classical matches. Maybe you have never watched real chess? I have watched a GM take over half an hour to make a single move.

As for the original point. I think maybe it would be nice to have a time per move as an option. However, it isn't really necessary. If you don't like waiting a long time for someone's move, then don't play long clocks.

Of course I referred to "an option." I have faced with players who have been disconnected before a clear disadvantage rather than retire. With regard to your appraisals on real chess, I suppose you are referring to the classic. Then you will not agree with the other variants that exist on this site
And, For your information:

When using a chess clock, each player must make a minimum number of moves or all moves in an allotted period of time and/or may be allocated an additional amount of time with each move. All these must be specified in advance."

Sorry sdr if my post was confusing. The only response to you directly, sdr was the last paragraph. The preceding paragraph was directly in regard to Tusker's constant trolling of classical games for "taking too long."

As for FIDE rule 6.2, it says that if you have a clock, there will be a designated amount of moves that must be made in that time. That designated amount can be any number, or it can be simply "all of the moves" made in the game (i.e. until a win or draw occurs).

In classical, for instance, you might have 1 hour to make the first 40 moves and then you may be given a new clock, say 20 minutes with "additional amount of time" on each move (i.e. an increment). Or you might have 2 hours to make all the moves of the game. If you fail to make 40 moves in said hour, or all the moves of the game, etc. you lose the game on clock, there is no other penalty for say taking 30 minutes to make a move. Likewise, in rapid or blitz, will have a much shorter period of time to make all your moves, and you may be "allotted an additional amount of time with each move" or increment (so get allotted time per move, or must make all your moves in the game in 5 minutes). Nowhere in 6.2 does it imply that you have a limited amount of time to make any single move in a game.

However, you ARE correct in the sense that the rule does allow for a time-per-move option. The minimum number of moves could be 1, and the clock could be 2 minutes, for instance, under which you are allocated a new clock after each move. There is nothing against such an option in 6.2, provided it is specified as the terms of the match in advance. So, as I said, it WOULD be a neat option. However, what I said in regard to Tusker's trolling, is that nothing in a clock time of 2 hours implies that each player is going to make a move in any amount of time. They might sit and have a good long think for upwards of half an hour. Just because we're online doesn't change that fact, and if you don't like long clocks, don't play/watch games with long clocks.

I do think your suggestion for the option of time-per-move is a good suggestion though, sdr. It would be a nice option, as I did say in my previous post. :)
yes you are right, as shadows can't be static in same sence i am not funny. and please spare FIDE from this, i beg you.
We static_shadow agreement. My intention has been to propose an "option" is not original with me, and that in other chess sites. It is useful to avoid waste caused by some of our players resuelvesnsus childhood resentments disconnecting time. Known entitled to continue or quit the game. :)
Regarding Tusker, I am not able to answer because I do not understand. I guess it's too smart for someone like me to interpret. Other social networks are full of similar genius.
You need not to worry sdr, because even I dont understand. and no intelligent people use social networks so dont worry about other similar geniuses too. just play and have fun.

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