
this shouldn't be a draw (no stalemate/enough time)

Lichess says that this game is a draw, with no explanation. It was my opponent's turn, and draw was declared before he did a move. He still had ~80 seconds on the clock.
Only reason I can think of that he ran out of time. He did spen over minute on it. If it was not timeout I cannot find any explanation.
IMHO the most likely explanation is that your opponent timed out and the result was a draw because you had no way to checkmate. Can you estimate how long took it between your last move and the game being declared draw? (1:22 is the clock time after your move, not at the moment the game ended.)
@petri999 said in #2:
> Only reason I can think of that he ran out of time. He did spen over minute on it. If it was not timeout I cannot find any explanation.
Oh, I see. I seems like the timer lagged(?) However lichess says that he had 68 seconds remaining
@mkubecek said in #3:
> IMHO the most likely explanation is that your opponent timed out and the result was a draw because you had no way to checkmate. Can you estimate how long took it between your last move and the game being declared draw? (1:22 is the clock time after your move, not at the moment the game ended.)
6-8 seconds
I do not think this was a timeout draw, as for timeout draws lichess marks it as " #### timed out, draw"

it probably has to do with a lichess restart occurring during the game, but I have no idea.
@Tima1705 said in #5:
> 6-8 seconds
AFAIK That would be too short even for a disconnection timeout (and I'm not even sure if possibility of a checkmate is taken into account in that case). And IIRC lichess does not implement the FIDE rule that when a player resigns and the opponent cannot checkmate, the game is a draw. I'm afraid I'm out of ideas. What I find strange is that it just says "the game is a draw" without any reason, usually there is one.
occasionally there's glitch where your browser doesn't receive your opponents move. so your browser shows it's your opponents move and their clock is ticking down, but, in reality, your opponent has moved and your time is ticking down.

if you look at the move time tab, there's a large white bar on the last move. to throw salt on the wound, you might have got an automated warning for letting the time run out, as well.
@h2b2 said in #9:
> occasionally there's glitch where your browser doesn't receive your opponents move. so your browser shows it's your opponents move and their clock is ticking down, but, in reality, your opponent has moved and your time is ticking down.
> if you look at the move time tab, there's a large white bar on the last move. to throw salt on the wound, you might have got an automated warning for letting the time run out, as well.
It seems to me that it is not the case here. Lichess usually says when a timeout draw happens, which didn't happen here. My best guess that developers were restarting lichess or implementing some code and so this bug happened