
There should be a law against this.

Would be interesting to see the stats about how many matches were stalemated with +9 or more in material
The trick to avoid this is to promote to a rook if under time pressure. Doesn't always work though. (;

There was not enough time. It wasn't some kind of cheating. What rule do you propose?
@Cedur216 said in #7:
> you need the autoqueen in bullet

By the way, if "automatic queen" is enabled, you can still override this in a specific situation by pressing the CTRL key while promoting.
except you don't need this in (100 - epsilon)% of cases and in a last seconds time scramble, you're definitely not ready for it.
@Panagrellus said in #8:
> By the way, if "automatic queen" is enabled, you can still override this in a specific situation by pressing the CTRL key while promoting.
How does that work in the mobile app?

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