
There Isn't One IM or GM that has NOT Studied ALOT of Chess Books Chess Videos & or had a Coach

@gilligan841 Nice response ... People ENJOY Studying Chess & Playing Chess so that seems like a great attitude towards Chess & Life @Edo_Cribbio Mice response as well & again I must point out New Material in Chess that is Studied can bring joy as well , I must say I enjoy golf but it also is rather difficult without constant attention but can also be enjoyed by all
For any one person, it might be difficult to find suitable reading. I would try to be understanding if someone isn’t eager to study. I would ask the person for an example of something that has been tried, look for indications of what went wrong, and try to identify something that would be more likely to be helpful for the individual.
@Prophiscient said in #50:
> He came into my inbox as well when we were discussing the merits of Chess960. I eventually had to block him.

Stop spreading lies about me. There were no toxic inbox messages by me and I wasn't "coming in there" - we set up a game, that you lost and got salty about. As this isn't the place to post the whole story, just let me be, stop spreading lies. The only toxic conversation I had with @winutils because he told me my german is not good enough and so I blocked him, that's it. Now please leave me alone, as I do with you.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #53:
> Stop spreading lies about me. There were no toxic inbox messages by me and I wasn't "coming in there" - we set up a game, that you lost and got salty about. As this isn't the place to post the whole story, just let me be, stop spreading lies. The only toxic conversation I had with @winutils because he told me my german is not good enough and so I blocked him, that's it. Now please leave me alone, as I do with you.

What is "toxic" is subjective. I told you I was busy eating, and you were like, "so you're scared," trying to goad me into playing when I was busy. I made it clear it wasn't a good time, but you insisted through insults, and then bragged obnoxiously about winning on a post about the merits of Chess960.

You also responded to me on another post. You made a false claim that chess has always had theory, and then downvoted me when you were proven wrong with facts.

I'm not spreading lies about you. You just lack self-awareness of your own disrespectful behavior.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #53:
Now it is your turn to stop spreading lies! Oh wait, nobody else here do you're the only one to do so. Once again, you are disguising what i wrote, and still are unable to assume your intentions. Damn snake. Full of vicious words.
I don't know, I may have lacked of accuracy in my previous post since my translation turned a bit metaphoric, but i thought it was clear. You are toxic to us, and you lack of honesty. I think there is nothing else to be said here. Now if you want to continue this, go on, once several other people will have complained about you, it will bring a supplement of evidence!
Thanks to everone who responded about studying Chess & it can be something also that happens at times that are rather unexpected such as when one is relaxed going through brilliant games fr4om the past present ... I also remember reading The battle Of Chess by Saidy Ideas many years ago & Modern ideas In Chess by Reti or even playing through some games in the Golden Treasury of chess by Horrowitz ,,, These days king's Hunt & similar pop up games pop up on my facebook when i hit the video button & games with Music run on & on while I relax Entertaining Chess vids you can pick up some interesting ideas & enjoyment ... Again Thank You To All @Abigail-III @Alientcp @CheerUpChess-Youtube @Chessmaster51RX @Edo_Cribbio @gilligan841 @gilligan841 @Hagredion @hisokaxhunter @kajalmaya @kindaspongey @LexDev @Murphy_the_Irish_red @Prophiscient @TeenageDimwit @ThunderClap @winutils Enjoy !
@winutils Stop spreading lies about me in a public forum. There are about 4 players that dislike me, they happen to be all here right now. Is it accident or stalking, I don't know. Also don't care. Just stop spreading lies. Public accusations are not allowed here.
@CheerUpChess-Youtube said in #57:
It is not an accusation, it is a fact. If you want to bring this as rule break, ask a mod to check the messages you sent me, and also those you sent to prophiscient. Lmao. Enough.
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I think that, usually, when a new comment is posted in a discussion, it goes to the top of the discussion list and stays there until there is a new contribution to some other discussion. When I made my post #52, I noticed that this discussion was not going to the top in reaction to new contributions. It now seems destined to sink lower and lower in the list, no matter how many additional contributions are made. Apparently, now, only those with special dedication are going to make and follow new contributions here.

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