
The problem I find with lichess

now before I would make claims, I'm going to compare two profiles in lichess where I have 1500 blitzs and 1900 rapid
(both are constantly falling) so
I'm in this userbase average at blitzs and around better than 87% of lichess playerbase
on, I'm around 1300-1400 at blizs (top 8%) and 1700 rapid (top 1.6%) (the diffrence between and lichess elo are getting close)

meaning average lichess blizs player is around 1400 at
what I think is accually going on, is here not enough supply on new players. meaning that general strength playerbase increases. meaning it is only going to be harder to get elo and super easy to lose elo. and here must be a update for "skill representation". After all, my elo is very stable but lichess is not.
Lichess only considers players who have played in the past week for its calculations iirc. on the other hand uses its entire playerbase, including the people who made an account, played for three days, reached 230 rating, and quit.

That's why the Lichess base tends to be stronger - it compares you against active chess players instead of all people who have ever played a game of chess.
@IndianDefense said in #2:
> Lichess only considers players who have played in the past week for its calculations iirc. on the other hand uses its entire playerbase, including the people who made an account, played for three days, reached 230 rating, and quit.
> That's why the Lichess base tends to be stronger - it compares you against active chess players instead of all people who have ever played a game of chess.

I think in that case 1700 rapid procentile would increase
quickly (because of increase of new players) but it is stable top 1-2% (for 2 years) so I don't think it is true
Also why it is so quickly stronger
I was 1-2 years ago 1700 at blizs now I'm 1500 blitzs
Also the idea of lichess being inflated is outdated, now it is deflated
Maybe some day 1500 blitzs lichess will equal 2000 fide just wait 10-20 years
> Who cares, its just a number...isnt it
I like how no one disproves on what I'm saying just making it "meaningless"
well I'm going to reference my message a lot.
@xDoubledragon said in #7:
> I like how no one disproves on what I'm saying just making it "meaningless"
> well I'm going to reference my message a lot.
Guess what? I disapprove.

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