
The Embarrassing Truth

Hello everyone! I am sure this title has at least one person reading this! Anyways, the real truth is, I am really bad at finding mates. Like I could look at a position for a couple minutes and not see that mate in 1! Now, this doesn't happen every time, but I am not good at mating patterns.

Now, I shall admit the truth. When posting in forums, you have to solve a mate in one to "prove you are human." I sometimes find myself, which is VERY RARE, not being able to find the mate in 1. Will somebody be brave enough to say the same.

If nobody says so, this forum has no point except embarrassing me, so please forget this as soon as possible if nobody admits their DEEPEST DARKEST SECRET!

Thank you!!!
uhhhh, my secret is i dont like mac n' cheese
You say "Like I could look at a position for a couple minutes and not see that mate in 1!". But, do you look for a mate ? It's the first step.
Smart guy, the people you're refering to can't post here because of the mate in 1 captcha!
btw if the CAPATCHA is to hard, just reload the page and you will get a new one
Kramnik was kicking the ass of the world's best chess computer, but he didn't see a mate in one on move 35.

Deep Fritz (Computer) vs Vladimir Kramnik
"Deep Sixed"
Kramnik - Deep Fritz (2006), Bonn GER, rd 2, Nov-27
Queen's Gambit Accepted: Central. Greco Variation (D20)


Yeah, this is a bit like saying: "Anyone with a lisp, kindly let us know by telling us, 'Yes, I have a lisp.'"

that kind of happens with me when its like a cross board bishop mate

at first when I read "Anyways, the real truth is, I am really bad at finding mates." i thought you meant like an extreme version of a friend (its weird to say the actual thing on a forum).

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