
The Botez Gambit: Is it really a thing?

I am a regular chess player and used to think the Botez Gambit was a joke encouraged by Alexandra Botez and her fans. Basically she drops her queen and carries on playing and wins.

I didn't believe it until this happened to me.
There's a story about Lasker, he was on a train and saw two men playing chess. He asked for a game, and one of the men accepted, not knowing who Lasker was. So he decided to play without his Queen against Lasker. Lasker decided just fur fun to lose the game. Then he said: Wait a minutue, maybe it's an advantage to play without a Queen, since the King has more space! Let me try and play without Queen against you in a rematch! After some persuation the man accepted and... lost, to his horror.
But it is a joke; there is nothing sound about purposefully losing ones queen. According to stockfish, the eval is only -3.4 after he took your queen; so the loss is comparable to being down a knight not down a queen. Of course, it is nice that you were able to come back from the deficit.
i remember when i first figured out that the Botez gambit was just shorthand for losing one's queen, i was surprised, which is weird because i don't know what else i would have thought of it as, aside from just hanging one's queen.
This Botez Gambit is so strong bruh

@LichyChess Don't analyze every game with an engine, sometimes the human brain is important too! Psychological thinking is way more important! Carlsen has won games with Anand by psychological thinking only (Btw, Vishy Anand is master piece in everything but he has a problem, psychological problem).

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