

i suggest you to add a reputation button in players profile like this picture
Thanks ,
may be the best reputation would be the number of followers ?
I think this feature would be too prone to abuse. For example, I've seen sore losers (especially in the U1500 range, no offense) cry engine when their opponent blundered several times during the game as well. You can block people if you don't want to play them. Lichess even has a feature that penalizes people for letting games time out.
Just look at the stuff people write on each other's profile on the other well known chess site which shall not be named to get an idea of what would happen.
I play a card game on another website, they implemented this system some while ago but removed it after a testing period.
like others said, missabused were too frequent, e.g. everytime someone lost, gave a -1 to his opponent

I think it would just be better not to. Sure, it might be useful for some time, but somebody would abuse the system and start posting random garbage whenever they got annoyed for losing, felt like they were being made fun of when jokes are made, call someone an engine because they are a good player, or just troll the reputation function. Also, it might discourage players from playing with others rated an engine, impolite player, or negative reputation. Good concept though :)

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