
Since when did 1800s sacrifice rooks, miss #9, and draw the game?

Clearly my opponent was prepared for the knight fork early on in the game. Obviously *good* at theory....(no shame, but full frustration)
I truly hope you're being facetious. Missing that mate was hardly some beginner's gaffe...
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> I truly hope you're being facetious. Missing that mate was hardly some beginner's gaffe...

Well I didn't see the #9 either, lol. I'm still irritated after that playing that game lol.
Typical blunder-filled blitz game. I don't really understand your comments relating to it.

The forced mate which your opponent had, and missed, at move 51 is really interesting. In particular, this game is a useful retort to those who would say that if you had run out of time at, say, move 49, you should have been awarded a draw contrary to FIDE and Lichess rules. It's a rare, but practical, example of how a player really can win with only a king and a knight if the opponent is not careful.
@Brian-E said in #4:
> Typical blunder-filled blitz game. I don't really understand your comments relating to it.
> However:
> The forced mate which your opponent had, and missed, at move 51 is really interesting. In particular, this game is a useful retort to those who would say that if you had run out of time at, say, move 49, you should have been awarded a draw contrary to FIDE and Lichess rules. It's a rare, but practical, example of how a player really can win with only a king and a knight if the opponent is not careful.

Just saying the guy let me have his rook, and somehow found a way to take all my pawns to balance the advantage. 1800s wouldn't do that unless they were either speedrunning like Hikaru or wanted to give odds (TBH odds against me on purpose is a bit annoying (unfair maybe) because I know the opponent will make an insane comeback. I sensed myself losing the game early on).

Just my opinion. Maybe we should disregard the #9 lol
@KDMFan said in #5:
> Just saying the guy let me have his rook, and somehow found a way to take all my pawns to balance the advantage. 1800s wouldn't do that unless they were either speedrunning like Hikaru or wanted to give odds (TBH odds against me on purpose is a bit annoying (unfair maybe) because I know the opponent will make an insane comeback. I sensed myself losing the game early on).
> Just my opinion. Maybe we should disregard the #9 lol

You were winning easily for the bulk of the game and I'm practically certain your opponent simply blundered in the opening leaving you with a clear material advantage without the slightest compensation. Looking at the quiescent position after Black's 15th move, you are the exchange and a pawn up and your opponent has absolutely nothing to show for it.

Perhaps the fact that you sensed that you were losing was what caused you to fail to convert? Perhaps you need to work on your own confidence when playing? That's my suggestion for what it's worth.
script-chess is infected with a LOT of cheats. Its a free site and they are unable to police it.

When did Irwin last get an least anti-cheat is improving. Its improving so much I recently renewed my premium. Yes, has cheats but at least they ban them.

When was last time you got a refund from script-chess.

Bullet is only time control on script-chess where you see fewer cheats.
What is script-chess? And why are you talking about cheating here? Both seem totally unrelated here.

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