
Sicilian Defense

the hyperaccelerated dragon doesnt because black will be able to pay d5 in one move
Yes black can play 8...d5, but it is doubtful if that is any better than 8...d6.

In the Hyper Accelerated Dragon, black can "force" white to castle kingside by playing 8... Qa5. For a more tactical fight, 8... a5 leaves white struggling for equality. He normally has to return the pawn and castle kingside for safety. The problem is the Maroczy Bind leaves white with an easy and comfortable game.
The Sicilan cheap trick 3.d4 cxd4 rings hollow if White doesn't cooperate with 3.d4. In many anti-Sicilians both castle kingside,
@tpr The fact that MVL beats Gelfand doesn't prove anything. I'd rather say that the fact that it is played by Grlfand shows that it IS a move.
#16 Of course 8...d5 is a move, but I doubt it is any better than 8...d6, as played by Kasparov, Carlsen and others.

A true Sicilian Defence player is rather a bit disappointed when white goes O-O and rejoices whenever white picks up the gautlet and plays O-O-O.

#13 Yes 8...a5 and 8...Qa5 are also good moves and yes, these compel white to play O-O.
One more with opposite side castling ...I was black. Liked my play ...Occasionally You get a game where black has a king side attack...i love playing both white and black Sicilian. The Fischer influence runs deep in me. :]

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