
Should I solve Encyclopedia of chess combination ?

While I was going through the archive org chess books section, I found this book called encyclopedia of chess combinations -4th edition.My coach had the third edition, so when I asked for his opinion, he said that this books is too hard for me to solve. Although, I like solving hard puzzles and I solved 2-4 puzzles in the book , it took me some time.
So I want hear your opinion, should I solve it or no until I get fide ratings and upto 1800?I heard that this book take at least 1 year to solve.
I love it when people tell me something is too difficult for me. That challenges me, and when I discover that they are right (as they usually, but not always are) I have also not only learned about my limitations, but have also expanded my abilities as well. One becomes stronger by trying, even if one meets with failure. I say keep it. You won't solve every position, much less learn every key concept, but you'll be stronger for trying.
And yes, also get an easier collection, like the 1001 brilliant sacrifices book by Reinfeld. You'll get a quicker, easier handle on most common tactical themes from that. Your coach is right, something of that kind should be your main study guide for the time being. But don't be afraid to pull out the ECM once in a while and test yourself hard.

edit: one other book you might benefit from is The Art of the Checkmate by Renaud and Kahn.
Listen to your coach, you will soon become disillusioned with this book , as much as you want to take on the challenge which is admirable, start off with small steps. Read books written for your level I've just finished my second book ever. The first was the chess players bible ( lovely diagrams) and my second ,tactics by Yasser Seirawan which was the perfect book for my level , you have to enjoy studying or you will soon lose interest and not study at all , this is in my very limited experience, happy chessing ,I'm looking forwards to receiving strategies by Yasser from my chess friend who lent me the book to try ,good luck with whatever you decide xxx
Im going through this currently, just shy of 1800 FIDE rating. Ive just been tackling the easy sections and while some of the you can get relatively quickly there are others that even at the easy level go into multiple long variations. I find I get about half of them right and many that I grt wrong I geberally identify correct idea but miss something in my calculation. So its id say about the right level for me to be tackling it. One fruatration I have with it is often I have to put the position into the analysis board to check why my solution wasnt the right answer because the answers at the back of the book dont cover the line. Sometimes Ive found that my solution was also correct but not given, other times it was wrong because I miscalculated. I. Hoping to get through the easy section of the book by the end of May.

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