
Responding To Disrespect

<Comment deleted by user>
I fail to see hostile words, I do acknowledge a bit of a tease. I do that. Let me provide another example.

The words 'disrespect', and 'respond'.
In my mind that immidiately get mixed with 'let he who is without sin, throw the first rock'.
And I see a figure. 87% Completion rate.
@doom12384 , thanks for giving us whole story. I never believe 100% based on one sided claim/ story.

According to the chat, there was nothing wrong from GM offering draw from any position.

OP must know he was winnning or draw during the game and not from post game analysis.
I cannot possibly respond to everyone that has given their two cents, and I apologize for that. To the NM that made the hostility speech, actually read what was said, ya twat. For everyone else, read the whole thread. I tried and tried to entertain bs hostiility and after hours of it I broke, and I'm not sorry. That's all the effort I'm putting into this last post, so thank you all for your input in time. ALso to Doom, he completely ignores the added context I gave, and whilst in the court of law he would be right in his assessments, this is an online chess site where respect and professionalism is meant to be upheld by community leaders. This was a simul, so that's why time WAS of the essence for both, so thank you for spreading misinformation. His targeting me specifically... I don't even know where you're going with tbh. Thanks though, this chat is an open forum, for anyone to give their cents. Just don't market your own words as the whole story, you didn't even get the first part right.
I think you are neither the first nor the last who did himself a disservice by posting in public.
@Sarg0n No, no, I'm happy that I posted this thread. It got attention and that was the point. I can't help those that came here and told me I was wrong, and that even though they didn't have the context, it was completely my fault... I can't help that. But I'm happy that this got out there. This was ridiculous on the part of the GM, who someone decided to name against my wishes. Unsurprisingly, that very same person was the original person that introduced their toxicity in this thread. Interesting, that.
@ZwischenzugX11 Yeah, that's why I immediately declined his first draw offer. Against a gm. Because... I didn't know I was winning. Yeah. That uh, that makes sense. Does it? Eh who cares.
The position would have been good, sure. The question is whether you would have won actually. No one knows unless it is played.
@Sarg0n Of course. No ones denying it would be very hard. What everyone in the last two pages of this forum is desperately failing to realize, is that this wasn't blind trust of a random guy. This guy is a (I thought) respectable GM that uses this very site to stream.

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