
Repertoire against everything but d4 and e4 for a KID player

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@blundererxd said in #9:
> Agains the reti and the english and whatever else, just play your normal KID set up, the positions will be similar compared to 1.d4 KID

Yes, i know, but not exactly the same, for example against the Botvinnik setup you should know the Nf6 - e8 - c7 manoeuver etc. and i am looking for something that covers these nuances and possible transpositions in depth. Also sometimes it's objectively better to go for c5 than e5 and things like that.

@Sarg0n said in #10:
> You can check out Lakdawala‘s 1. ... d6 book.
> I would be careful with such approaches, for example I play the KID but I cannot stand the Pirc/Modern.

Thanks for the suggestion. But i agree with you, i played the pirc too for a while with the approach to just play 1...d6 against everything but i am not the biggest fan of the pirc either (nor the philidor) and now play the Caro and the Sicilian against e4. So that's probably not the right approach for me. I was also thinking of playing 1...c5 against the Réti but i don't necessarily want to end up in a symmetrical english. So i guess Dembo's book comes closest to what I'm looking for.

@SaltWaterRabbit said in #8:
> I know a player who was an OTB master who plays KID, Dragon Sicilian, Modern and sometimes Pirc Def (I initially typed Pork Defense). He has an aggressive tactical style and likes to enter into sharp hand-to-hand combat positions. He also plays endgames well.
> If you do not like an early Bg5 move you can delay development of Nf6

Yes, i played modern/pirc (pork^^) for a while too but i am not the biggest fan of the arising positions even though i am looking for sharp play as well, Bg5 is not very problematic imo, what bothers me more is the austrian attack and maybe the 150 setup against the pirc/modern. Against e4 I'm quite happy with what i play now as well as against d4+c4 mainlines, it's mostly c4/Nf3/b3 and d4 sidelines that i need to find a good solution to.
I think so that london could help you against KID. It would give better results
@Checkidy said in #1:
> As the King's Indian is my main defense against d4 i want to allow transpositions to it from other openings whenever possible so I am looking for a repertoire that covers how a KID player can play against everything apart from d4 and e4 (mainly against English, Réti and Nimzo-Larsen) in order to allow transpositions as much as possible, or if not directly transposing at least aims for similar setups.
> If you know of some repertoire like that (book, dvd, online course etc.) it would be great if you let me know.
> Thanks in advance!

I don't know any books or courses on what you're looking for but I'd advise you to learn Pirc Defence against 1.e4. Even if the partner won't transpose this into KID you'll feel comfortable there as the typical strategic ideas are very similar to KID.
@Falcon42 said in #14:
> I don't know any books or courses on what you're looking for but I'd advise you to learn Pirc Defence against 1.e4. Even if the partner won't transpose this into KID you'll feel comfortable there as the typical strategic ideas are very similar to KID.

Thanks for your suggestion, but if you read the previous posts in this thread you will see that i have been playing the pirc before and i am not the biggest fan of it (not saying it's bad) as i think it's quite different from the KID, yes there is a possibility to get a kingside attack with f5-f4 etc. like in the king's indian, but in the pirc this is very rare as in the critical lines like the austrian or even the 150 attack that's not a possiblity and White's play is much more natural while Black has to play very accurate not to get mated.

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