
Rating System Broken.

#160 Let me see if I'm hearing this correctly:

* "It's not possible to get a rating 1550-1600 because your rating slides down to 1500"
* "The rating distribution is pyramid-shaped and most players are rated 1400-1600"

Well, which is it?
@Toadofsky ,basically like CS GO ranking system, you can have 30 ranking. Yes , 1500-1599 will be like rank 15, 3000+ is like rank 30. 1500 and 1599 will be in the same rank.

By this way, 1500 and 2000 are not too far behind. With current rating, 1500 and 2000 are too far apart and difficult to climb. You must be too good like top 5-10% to be 2000 +, top 0.1% to be 2500+.

Look guys I got 100 points for beating a 1533 rated player in Racing Kings ... Only 1 point is missing :)
Time shifters ruin the rating system. Points are refunded but not given even after they were kicked out and you were just one move from check mate. Play for fun since ratings are just a number that has no relevance - except for those who win every game which is hard to do against time shifters.
@Aceno0b , your comment earlier about having your rating gain wiped out. Same problem here! On my @chessmathnerd account, that has been a consistent problem. I have evaded it by practicing 5+0 on this account and then doing 5+0 on the other one as well. I tend to now get more non-provisional rated players. Unfortunately, life is not fair, and for those who, (understandably), want to play only rapid, this is a real problem and must be born. I find that a strong player eventually gets their rating where it belongs, even if the way is long and hard, and I am sure that eventually you will get there. :)
@Aceno0b , I especially dislike playing a 1500? player who plays more like a 2000, grinding out a hard fought win, and then getting 1 point!

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