
"Play longer time controls"

@AtomicChessSensei said in #20:
> Well if that blunder is one you could've avoided by simply thinking for longer, theres really not not much learning opportunity, is there?
Even if you never end up playing the blunder, if you considered it for a minute it wasted precious time. So in some sense you still made a subtle mistake compared to the person who was able to instantly dismiss it. But since it was so invisible you may not learn from it in the same way. I'm kinda theorycrafting outside my depth here though.
Playing slow games is only one of the aspects that allow you to progress (and it's not me who says it!)
- during a slow game we teach our brain to think and to put in place a certain number of things (tactics, strategy, thinking process)
the connections between the neurons are more efficient if we practice on slow games (and it's still not me who says it: ask google for system 1 vs system 2, the slow and the fast thinking)

This does not mean that we do not have to play blitz, but in terms of training it only allows you to play blitz, not chess.
Fast games only use patterns recognition and reflexes.
True chess is longer time controls. Many good games have been ruined by time control. Fast chess is for babies xxx
@ThePracticeGuy said in #24:
> @norla, what do you think of what I said on #9?
It mirrors my thoughts, but you just kind of stated your opinion without motivating it so I don't have much to reply.
@norla said in #1:
> Many people say "play longer time controls" as a catchall solution to any issue someone has. But then when I look at strong people I see that they play a lot of short time controls. Often mostly 3+0 and shorter.

Yep, on a Blitz site lots of people play Blitz. :)
Idk about playing longer time ctrls improving your game, but the fact strong players play 3+0 or less is probably because there's too much cheating in longer time ctrl, when you get to a certain level, usually above 1850 in lichess I think.
I get bored playing longer time controls, but playing 1/2+0 does not help my chess...
Even I do not like to play very short time controls but I also do not like to play very long games. I like to play Blitz ,Rapid and Atomic only.
I think it might be helpful to play longer time controls but some people are saying that playing bullet or blitz is bad for your chess which i think is misconception, for me personally its good to play both time controls

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