
Over 40 in Puzzle Racer with a blitz rating of 1030?


I just played a few Puzzle Racer and I saw this guy getting a score over 40 (his best was 59!). Around 40 is the norm for players with blitz rating around 1700 but this guy's blitz rating was 1027 ?! His/her bullet rating is also low 1000? He has played games recently. How is this possible? Any other players in this situation?
I think 40 is possible for any playing strength, that's maybe 15 Puzzles.
No :-) If you can reach 40 in Puzzle Racer, you skill intactic alone should help you reach a much higher blitz rating. And don't forget that his best is 59. I just think there is 2 persons using this account. Maybe the second person is just having fun with Puzzle Racer.

It's just curiosity from my part. I just want to debate if it's possible for a player to be so "unbalance" or like I presume, there is 2 persons on the account.
@Zathoichi said in #3:
> It's just curiosity from my part. I just want to debate if it's possible for a player to be so "unbalance" or like I presume, there is 2 persons on the account.

So, just to be sure, I played a puzzle racer and sure enough I got 18, which is about normal for me in these things. But I'm between 1600-1700 blitz. The conclusion is that there is not a direct corelation between the two scores. Being able to see tactics in random boards does not help you achieve strong midgame positions from game start.
I agree with you @sammgus. After a bit of practice, I'm guessing you would score close to 30 in Puzzle Racer. Not in every race but maybe 1 out of 5. If not, then you have found an area where you could get better; tactical patterns.
@Zathoichi said in #1:
> Hi,
> I just played a few Puzzle Racer and I saw this guy getting a score over 40 (his best was 59!). Around 40 is the norm for players with blitz rating around 1700 but this guy's blitz rating was 1027 ?! His/her bullet rating is also low 1000? He has played games recently. How is this possible? Any other players in this situation?

not really, 40 is really easy for all levels, I mean I could do 40 in less than 30 secs
Edit: I just tried and got 40 in about 40 seconds
I'm sorry @NP172012, you are not qualified to evaluate the difficulty to reach a score of 40 ;-)
It's like asking me if reading this paragraph is easy or not. Of course it's easy. I've been reading stuff since I'm 5 years old. But for a person who is learning to read, he has to look at each letter to form the syllables, then the word. And repeat this slow process for each word. The same process exists for solving chess positions. Puzzle Racer is not very challenging in term of tactical patterns but you have to read the position and this is where players consume time. For a strong player, the "reading phase" is very fast and the solution is found quickly.

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