
not fair to poor untitled players

@Funkmaus , #16:
Some things on Lichess seem to work a little bit strange. (For example: I could join an U1600 rapid tournament with 1700.74 (which is greater than 1700). Or if you have excactly 2000.00 ratings in blitz, it would be displayed as 2000.00 in http: // lichess. org / @ name / perf / blitz, but 1999 on your normal profile page.) So I was just curious to know whether it is possible U-tournaments as titled player or not.

@michbaum, #18:
It is possible, if the opponent of the GM doesn't show up. (Examples: World Chess Championship 1972, game 2 and World Chess Championship 2006, game 5)
I also heard of tournaments with wild cards for eighth finals or quarter finals, but these were non-FIDE tournaments.
Diese Konstellation ist möglich, wenn der Gegner des GMs nicht zum Spiel erscheint (z.B. Fischer in der Schach-WM 1972, Spiel 2 oder Kramnik in der Schach-WM 2006, Spiel 5).
Ich habe auch von Turnieren mit Wild-Cards für Achtel- oder Viertelfinale gehört, aber das waren eher Turniere mit privatem Charakter und keine offiziellen FIDE-Turniere.
How do you suppose the titled players got titled? Through hard work, certainly not by whinning.

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