
Never Give Up!

You do you, I'll do me.

I give up when dinner is ready earlier than I expected, when I realize I have to take a dump, when the position looks hopeless and annoying, and just in general, WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT.

Were I to follow your advice, I'd have 30 or so more rating points in exchange for pissing my wife off, annoying myself & doing things I don't feel like doing. No thanks.
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never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna make you cry or hurt you.
(Goes to government to get that song outta my head thanks thread.)
@WildWizard - aoutch! truly sorry! l di'n in the world mean to attack with a villain earworm...
A'll think up a working remedy countersong of excellent taste ...
...until say by tomorrow ;-D

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