
My best friend using a chess computer???

today my best friend IRL @ark5580 had his first online tournament with my other friends from ''chess school asenevtsi'' team.
in the tournament, I was 1st and he was 2nd. the thing that surprised me though, was his strength. he managed to beat a 1800
with no problem, also beat my brother (1650) easily. all his games had 94 to 99 per cent accuracy. shortly after he played the game with me, I got notified that I had a lost rating in a game versus someone who broke the lichess rules.
I normally know him as pretty honest, but the fact that he used a computer on his first tournament shocked me.
pls, tell me why you think a person like him would do that.
-- your friend, @Great_Southern_Snake
Sorry to say, but his lichess profile sais he has violated the Lichess Terms of Service. So it looks like he used assictance during the games
@Flying_destroyer said in #2:
> Sorry to say, but his lichess profile sais he has violated the Lichess Terms of Service. So it looks like he used assictance during the games
yes, that's what i meant with the post
Online cheating is pretty common, although mostly kids and teenagers are engaged in this.
If adults cheat then usually only for prize money or other prizes.
@mrbasso said in #5:
> Online cheating is pretty common, although mostly kids and teenagers are engaged in this.
> If adults cheat then usually only for prize money or other prizes.

i doubt it. Adult love to cheat too. And they have way more ego
@HistoireSansFin said in #7:
> i doubt it. Adult love to cheat too. And they have way more ego

It does not help your so called ego if you achieved it with an engine. You have to be completely crazy to do this without any sort of reward. If you can not prove it OTB nobody will believe you anyway.
> your best friend? ask him in person!

Rumor has it that they are no longer on speaking terms.
@mrbasso said in #8:
> It does not help your so called ego if you achieved it with an engine. You have to be completely crazy to do this without any sort of reward. If you can not prove it OTB nobody will believe you anyway.

the thing is, it's how YOU see it.
Some people just hate to lose, even if nobody else know about it. Or want to cheat the system somehow, even for nothing.
It does help their ego.

There's many reasons people cheats:

-because they think themselves smart and losing at chess is felt like a betrayal to themselves. Even if they're beginners.

-to learn. Yeah, it can help you progress to see step by step what lines are considered best compared to what you yourself would have played. Of course most players will do that after a game.

-to be assholes. Some people just want to be the bad guy online, to release stress they got in their daily life. They don't care if they're caught or what it does to others.

-because they're tilted or don't know what to do in a position and their brain is fried

-because they think everyone else is cheating so they want to do the same


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