
Magnus Carlsen on Hans Niemann (FULL INTERVIEW)

@Molurus said in #10:
> Wait a second... is Dlugy really Niemann's coach? Or is this just a random reference to cheating because of a scandal Dlugy was involved in?
> Wow.

You're reading too much into this mate.
@YouGetOneMatch said in #11:
> You're reading too much into this mate.

Dlugy was actually banned from chess com 5 years ago. And sofar I can't find any confirmation he's actually coaching Niemann.

This very much looks like a brilliant cheating reference from Carlsen.
@Molurus said in #12:
> Dlugy was actually banned from chess com 5 years ago. And sofar I can't find any confirmation he's actually coaching Niemann.

And you care if he is or isn't coaching Hans Niemann because???
@YouGetOneMatch said in #13:
> And you care if he is or isn't coaching Hans Niemann because???

I'm trying to understand what Carlsen meant by calling Dlugy Niemann's mentor.

If this topic doesn't interest you, stay out of it.
@Molurus said in #14:
> I'm trying to understand what Carlsen meant by calling Dlugy Niemann's mentor.
> If this topic doesn't interest you, stay out of it.

I'll comment if i want Jack
Carlsen had better have clear proof that Niemann cheated in St. Louis. Now Carlsen has potentially just defamed Dlugy and Dlugy's business in NY and CT. FIDE needs to demand proof from Carlsen. If Carlsen continues like this without proof, FIDE should suspend him for at least a year.
@Molurus said in #12:
> Dlugy was actually banned from chess com 5 years ago. And sofar I can't find any confirmation he's actually coaching Niemann.
> This very much looks like a brilliant cheating reference from Carlsen.
It clearly is an accusation of cheating. Unless Carlsen can prove that Niemann cheated in St. Louis, he's digging himself a defamation litigation grave. Dlugy may also have grounds for a defamation action. And Magnus has such wonderfully deep financial pockets to go after......
@VTWood said in #17:
> Carlsen had better have clear proof that Niemann cheated in St. Louis. Now Carlsen has potentially just defamed Dlugy and Dlugy's business in NY and CT. FIDE needs to demand proof from Carlsen. If Carlsen continues like this without proof, FIDE should suspend him for at least a year.

Carlsen probably doesn't have proof, and he's wise not to say more than he does.

Of course FIDE doesn't legally need any reason to suspend him. In essence it's a private organization that can do whatever they want, without giving any justification.

But I would be very much surprised if they did, and I certainly disagree with your opinion that they should.
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