
LiChess Puzzles

The chess puzzles at LiChess are often hideously flawed. It's clear there's little, if any, quality control. I'm currently at 2117. It seems whenever I go over 2200 or get close to it, the puzzles suddenly toughen up and I get knocked down by as much as one hundred points. Having gone through this for over a year. I'm fed up. If all the points I lost through false solutions were returned to me, I'd be 2300 by now.

Worst Tactics Trainer Ever.

<Comment deleted by user>
Yes and Puzzles get tough on getting a higher Puzzles Rating. You wont get 1500 rated puzzles for rating growth.
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It was a queen rook mate. There were 2 options but 1 answer showed wrong. Please check it @thibault

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