
Lichess doesn’t give the right result??

I'm not very good at programming, but if it works like another program I've been working on, at the end of the game we can test if the length of the list of legal moves is one (meaning that one move is forced), and if so we keep testing this with the next position, until there are more or less than one possible move, to decide the result ? If there are more moves we keep the result, if there are no possible move it means one player have won at the end of the sequence or it is a draw, so we can change the result according to the FIDE rules.
It doesn't sound too complicated to me, but in practice it may be, I don't know...

EDIT : it becomes complicated when a player has the choice between multiple sequences that are all forced and still result in a draw, now I understand
The rule is, that as long as black has enough material, its lost for you when you run out of time. It doesnt matter if the only legal sequence is checkmate. There is no rule for such cases. As long as the rules stay the same, it is lost for you. Even in a real game this would be considered a loss for you
@braunegefahr the FIDE rule is in the first post.

> HOWEVER, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.

"series of legal moves" is a little different to "has enough material"

On the board shown in the first post, that isn't the final position. Push the forward arrow a few times until you reach the final position where it's white's turn, but white's flag fell. Now try and find a series of legal moves for black to checkmate white. You can make any legal move you want for white, it can be the worst possible move that no one would make in a real game.

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