
Lichess Changelog, October 20th 2020

- It is now possible to start a swiss tournament, arena tournament or simul from any legal chess position by entering a FEN.
- Added a setting to event pages. (The big buttons on the homepage that usually link to streams or events) It's now possible to give a countdown for an upcoming event or simply redirect to the intended URL immediately. (Event pages can only be created by admins)
- New selectable icons added to homepage event buttons. A microphone, A trophy, The Lichess Logo and the Offerspill logo.
- Added links to The Lichess/dgt board integration feature.
- Added support for playing multiple concurrent games with a dgt board.
- Added a new API endpoint for downloading the results of a swiss tournament.
- Fixed a bug with the patron lifetime amount display.
- Minor visual improvements to the Swiss tournament FAQ.
- Improved the "help" link to captchas on new forum posts, new account registrations and other pages.
- New translations via Crowdin.

To celebrate the new tournament starting position feature, we're having a tournament starting from a very strange starting position in a few hours:

The current changelog is always available at
<Comment deleted by user>
How long do you watch your screen Lichess mods? You always seem to be online. Is a BOT controlling the mods? Don't ignore this question plzzz answer.
I've always wanted this feature! Now I can start the tournament from the 1. f3 e5 2. g4 position

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