
Lichess can we have two move chess?

@iiSxolar said in #6:
> I feel it will be super popular

Ah, right, your feelings is an excellent source what Lichess should base their new features off.
@iiSxolar said in #1:
> The rules are that you play two moves every turn but you can't capture the king in the second move because that will unfair. If you are in check you don't have to move your king but then you have to move it in the second move but the first one to capture or checkmate the king, wins.

There is a variant called "Two Move Chess" on the Chessvariants site. It differs slightly from what you are proposing. To name a few, important, points:

* White starts with a single move (this makes the game much more balanced)
* You cannot move the same piece twice in the same turn.
* If the first move gives check, captures a piece, promotes a pawn, or provides an opportunity for en passant, no second move on the turn can be played. In that case, the opponent may also make just a single move.
* Each move should be legal under the rules of orthodox Chess -- which means that, when in check, you must escape from the check on your first move.

@Abigail-III said in #13:
> There is a variant called "Two Move Chess" on the Chessvariants site. It differs slightly from what you are proposing. To name a few, important, points:
> * White starts with a single move (this makes the game much more balanced)
> * You cannot move the same piece twice in the same turn.
> * If the first move gives check, captures a piece, promotes a pawn, or provides an opportunity for en passant, no second move on the turn can be played. In that case, the opponent may also make just a single move.
> * Each move should be legal under the rules of orthodox Chess -- which means that, when in check, you must escape from the check on your first move.
> See:
Thanks for the explanation I only made this forum to protest Lichess to add this game mode.
@iiSxolar my friend & I came up with something similar, we called it "Giraffe Chess" at the time (now I know there are other variations called this and there are many similar things), which is the same as your "Two Move Chess" post, except for item #3. It's very fun to capture a piece then move a different piece..
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@iiSxolar said in #16:
> I think everybody thought about this about at least once.

Yes, there are many variations. I do think the one you posted with the protection for en passant is interesting for "balance" perspective
T@ComboDotZone said in #18:
> Yes, there are many variations. I do think the one you posted with the protection for en passant is interesting for "balance" perspective
I don’t want boring two move chess, but there is a similar Variation, which is much more interesting.
White starts by making one move. Then black is allowed to make two, white plays three times etc.
When you give check, your rest move can not be done.
To Checkmate the King, it is enough to control the six squares around it.
If it’s not Mate, the king can go through check too.
What do you think about it?

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