
In your opinion, who is the greatest chess player of all time?

Carlsen and others will dethrone him, there is no doubt about it, but over 20 years of a reign with an iron first require a huge amount of respect, specially when all the prep was with the grey matter engine and not a silicon one, and we have to wait a proper amount of time to update the ladder, which technically already changed, but out of respect hasnt.

Some champion that played 0 games as one, while a great player, ranks way low in my list.
Lichess is the computer used in this you check you can't name yourself lichess you can only name lichess and any number or letter or a punctuation mark
@Aryan1107 said in #35:
> Being an Indian I would say V. Anand is the best

The best Indian for sure but that was not the question. There is no comparison possible between the generations. Of course the younger generation is eventually almost always better than the older one.
I think Garry Kasparov is The most legendary player of all time.

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