
I'm stuck at 1200

Thank you so much for your suggestion. I'll try to follow your suggestion.
It is very simple to improve on chess (at least until 1800): enjoy the game!

If you really like the game, you will naturally devour everything you can about the game. It is not about studying, but about absorption.

I've seen beginners asking in streams how to read algebraic or descriptive notation.

Man, I don't know if I'm being arrogant, but please, if the guy can't learn something so basic on his own, maybe chess is not for him! Especially if he is a teenager (a child may be acceptable to be so dependent on others to learn).

Anyone with normal intelligence can learn the rules in an hour or two, and by the second week he'll be applying his first tactics!

However, some people just don't care! They make random moves, are not at all concerned with their plays, and so are not looking for any tactical moves or trying to dodge them ...

When I learned to play I was curious and fascinated with clever tactics (I still am). But people who don't enjoy the game don't care ...

I recently tried to help some beginners (beginner at a 'random moves' level lol) and, in 'pawn-war', I didn't see any of them trying to promote. They are not THINKING, are not trying!

Another way to perceive someone's enthusiasm for chess when they are new is if they lose by time... It is natural for every enthusiastic player to get into the habit of concrete chess! So they believe they can solve any position by thinking in brute-force way. This obviously takes time and gradually these players look for alternatives (openings and strategies, for example).

I dont know.. I think the secret is on 'love'. Today, for example, if I could be enthusiastic about typical middle-game positions or endgame positions, I would greatly improve. However, I'm already an adult and as much as the game is fun, I have no fun studying and learning, it's tiring and even boring ...

The same phenomenon occurs in mathematics. For normal people, math is tiring and boring, so studying math is more a punishment than anything else. However, for people who like math, learning something new every day is fun, these people study more than what is given in their school, they just LIKE math!
Heheheheh, beautiful stuff there!!!

There are as many ways to explore chess, as many ways, as there are players, I’d assume.

@iBishop, and so... it must be the likes of you that ignores what I said to define what I said.

If you understood what I meant, then why pick at it.

Openings are good, openings are bad, what to do, what not to do.
These things happen over the board, on an individual game between two individual people, chess is complex enough to gain several pages of advise, several without repeating points, and you decide to let me know that people learn things independently and not to some esoteric scale I observed.

Again, @iBishop, if you understood what I meant why did you feel the need to excise my provision to this thread. You have submitted only that what you said about what I said.

Where, in fact, have I gotten empirical data. Empirical on the very reason most people get through a plateau, or rather the reason for their plateau being the same for everyone... ha!
Of course not, as everyone groks chess in their own way, ( it’s how you get Grand Masters in grade school.)

(And since you scoff at what I said, for I am not a GM, as if a GM even knows what I am talking about. Considering they haven’t reached their plateau or their plateau happens to be their moment, now. )

And so forgive me of saying 1800s even know anything about chess, for I know of no else’s understanding for I am not them.
Why be so nasty anyway @iBishop , you offered nothing to the thread other than the fact in your opinion la la la.
I was merely pointing out the fact that plateaus are in chess and that instead of saying each of us see them differently and trying to list a million reasons people are stuck at their grasp of any subject let alone chess.

And you decided the most important take away was a persons relative strength relationship to their understanding of chess not to be defined by an example lest I say it is but an example... I use a noun instead of a pronoun and you want to act smart and point it out....
People like you make people like me not want to participate in any group scenario, for fear of people like you wanting to point out stuff that makes no difference, but can’t wait to derail a conversation because you want to pretend you are smart...

So excuse me for grabbing a noun where a pronoun was sufficient @iBishop , you get what I said and make me explain myself for some sick sense of satisfaction, oh, you want me to tell the whole world my opinion doesn’t matter, that is why you nit picked at my comment, there are pages of advise, and you single out the definition of a chess plateau. There are plenty of curiosities on these pages, but you want to make a point about plateaus and why one cannot make a plateau fit everyone, not even for the case of explaining a principle, but yeah go ahead make a point about 1800s not playing traps and tricks, where do you even play chess, do you have thousands of games to derive your opinion from? What your ten 1800 players certainly makes up for 7 billion people.
@Acerb8 it seems like your first impressions of @iBishop 's message was there was malice behind it. I'm not saying there was or wasn't, but it's possible to interpret it in a way that has no malice, and that's how I try to see replies to my messages. Not always perfectly, sometimes I have to remind myself and sometimes I forget. But even if there was malice, by responding in a way that interprets no malice and only good intentions, you win all the internet points.
Ooohhh good point, now I feel like I may have embarrassed my self.... suppose I should have been a bit less sensitive about it. A bit more to what was going on, yeah, I have stretched @iBishop s response to suit my persecution narrative... thank you, h2b2...
Thanks to @PixelatedParcel for post number 10. I thought that was great advice and am trying to work my way through some of those links. I've gotten in to Blitz chess lately but realised that I'm learning nothing.

Glad I could be of service, my friend.

This is off-topic but your settings don't allow me to send you a private message so I am doing it here...

I am extending an invitation to you to join a Lichess team I recently created and which is exclusively dedicated to adult improvers.

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