
if my ratings is 2004 can i gets titles?

Yes you’ll now verify a super grandmaster title oh wait! No ! They’ll come and give it to you

Seriously : no, u need to increase ur FIDE rating and complete some norms
You already have got a title. U r thedragonmaster! Congrats!
Your lichess rating might be 2004 but if u want a title you need to make a fide rating.

I mean I seen players who have beated 100+titled players in lichess. But they aren't titled players because they haven't got a fide rating
@jo_thedragonmaster said in #1:
> my ratings is 2004 can i gets titles?

Lichess 2004 is way low for even LM and if you can't get to 2004 in lichess without cheating then I'm sorry bud, you have a long long way to go

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