
I see cheating people

In no way am I here to shame lichess and its staff but my experience is exactly what @etaLaskera discribed. Edit: referring to post #9

Infact, knowing that lichess does not give statistics on detection methods, I decided to try another approach and sent a moderator a pm. I'll past it here. Message sent 4 days ago:

(Self introduction) I just have a question about repors, if it's okay for me to ask, I am wondering if Lichess staff/moderators keep something like a reliability record of users that send in reports of other users. If so, I want to make sure I do the best I can to send in reliable reports. For example, in one of my recent experiences I reported a user with a very offensive username and he was banned the same day.

Now a few days ago I noticed a player that showed all the signs of engine use, I reported him that day, then yesterday he played more perfect games in tournament, I sent them in another report. Today he continues to show signs of engine use, and again sent a report with the games.

Is sending more that one report undesired by the moderators? I want to do my best to only send legitimate reports therefore to not annoy or spam the moderators. If you can clarify this for me I would really appreciate it. I hope to be a reliable report source and not a bothering one.

Thank you in advance. (End of message)

A day or two passed without a reply so I just assumed my message basically fell into the statistics category and I wouldn't get an answer. Or would I ?

Ironicly enough, I was playing in tournament with some of my lichess buddies myself and another saw a user (not the same user as mentioned in the pm) that was clearly using an engine. We both reported him, but to my surprise my initial report was not accepted. Instead a white page appeared and in small black print the was some code a url address and some kind of warning about report accuracy.

100 questions raced through my mind at ones but I quickly went back and sent the report again, this time it went through and within hours the user was blocked.

I'm not sure how to interpret this. The original user I reported plays on with perfect games against stronger players (being only one of many outstanding cases I've recently reported) and I'm left wondering exactly like @etaLaskera. Said.

Anyways try to remember this isn't an attack this is just me posting my experience. I understand moderators are only human to.
Well, their also AI. I mean, um, oh hell idk anymore I need a drink.
That's the future. Introducing all this A.I. stuff it will be worse, online and offline. If you complain now, what will you do in future? Have a good time now, in retro-perspective this will have been the better days.

By the way, cheating is close to zero offline and online it is managed quite good (here on lichess). So just relax, these are the the golden days where cheating can be detected more or less effective.
So some of them are cheating, maybe. So what? It just means that you are playing against a person and a computer. It only matters if you are heavily invested in your win-loss record or your rating. Don't be. Just play.
@sparowe14 I think you really don't understand what you are talking about. If you don't take chess seriously of course you wouldn't understand. If I played World of warcraft or LOL for a week I couldn't care less if the players would cheat, in that case I could use your advice. We are not here to play the computer, if you want to play the computer you just play the computer.
Do you even study chess? Do you waste your free time watching grandmasters games, do you analyse your games, do you play OTB tournments? Again, it's easy to apply your advice if you don't take your chess seriously.

@Sarg0n This problem can become worse in the future, but this realization doesn't help very much to solve the problem either. If you say that it's just me that do not receive those alerts of "you lost to a cheater" anymore, then problem solved, this means the anti-cheating system is up and running and it's just a coincidence that I don't receive those alerts anymore.
@etaLaskera getting upset because you lost a game behind an anonymous online chess handle and “taking chess seriously” are not the same thing. Someone else cheating does nothing to hinder your own improvement. Cheating sucks, but it isn’t as widespread as you want to believe, and it doesn’t really hurt you in any meaningful way. Ignore it and move on.

You’re also inevitably wrong sometimes, and probably more than you would be willing to acknowledge, when you are sure you’ve just lost because the person is a cheater and not because they simply played better than you.
@Chuck_Fess : opponents cheating does hinder one's own improvement. Part of chess skill is to choose moves that will give your opponent enough practical difficulties that even if there may be a way through them with perfect play, you are highly likely to win. Playing a cheating opponent with perfect tactical skills takes away the feedback from this process.

That said, IMO the cheating levels on this site at blitz are at <1% of games and indeed not worth worrying about.
If the point is to improve your chess, or learn to analyze positions, or try new tactics, then I don’t see how playing a computer is different from playing a person. Best moves still exist, and your opponent’s status has no impact on your own ability to find them. What changes is your opponent’s likelihood of blundering, but that effects who wins, not what someone might be able to learn from the game.

Losing to a cheater is a mild annoyance that has no impact beyond making one particular ultimately meaningless game uncompetitive. It is not worth all the attention it gets.
I think the people who insist they see cheaters everywhere and are terrified of them are doing far more to harm their own chess experience, than the cheaters are doing.
As someone wrote, and some other people wrote in other bazillion threads before this thread... You have to stop caring so much about online rating points and win/lose ratios and other bull.hit, which in real life is totally and absolutely irrelevant. It really helps, then you will start thinking a bit differently about your online game. You will think your opponent might cheat or may be has good day, or may be is lucky, in any of the scenarios who cares. If you feel you are outplayed, and you have suspicion guy cheated just resign the game and go on for the next one. It's that easy. I actually enjoy games with tilts, like I have advantage, then I lose all the advantage going into almost lost, but then again I recover. What to think about such game, my opponent might have used engine during middlegame? or may be not... who cares literally. As also someone said the only persons cheaters are cheating are themselves. Leave it to them. Let them win online tournaments, online rating points and online fame lol all those things aren't exchangable into anything valuable in real life.
When you will have good mindset, games with cheaters will become really fun. You can even troll them by chatting on how good they are, etc, use the imagination :D. Can't say how many times (not only this chess site) I was playing blitz with some low rated guy, and I had to really sweat just to hold the position, felt like playing some big guy, but then when it came to time trouble he degraded into total patzer like 1000 elo below what he played all the game... after winning such a game only laugh and happiness are present in my mind :D
😁 I love you lichess thank you for the notifications 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

P.S. Mods if you are ever short staffed never ask me to be a moderator I don't want the hassle of having to put up with all the crap. But I really appreciate your willingness. THANK YOU💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 I LOVE YOU

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