
I need a better line to play against the french defense

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But 2...d5 is both possible and strong.

IVE PLAYED the KIA for about 5 years. my win rate was nearly 80% against 2100+ fide opponents

it goes like 1.e4 e6 2.d3! planning Nbd2, g3, Ngf3, Bg2, 0-0, and launching an attack on the k-side.
excellent weapon in bullet!
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Regarding the Kings Indian Attack (KIA) against French: I like to play the line 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 b5!? (Spassky variation). I guess 2...b5!? also works against 1.e4 e6 2.d3. The idea is not to play the d-pawn to d5 but to d6 to control the square e5, which is an important square for white in the KIA. The Bishop b7 neutralizes the bishop g2. More conservative is 2...b6 with the same ideas. That should also give black ok play.
The regular play against the KIA is OK for black too
Fischer used to play the KIA because the thought it led to a favourable version of the King's Indian Defence, but he later changed to 2 d4.
I know this is off topic but you can play 1.d4 so you avoid the French defense.

Then maybe an opening like the London system can be a good choice for you to avoid too much theory.
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