
i have lost all my enthusiasm

i am young and i could be a lot better but i just stopped trying:( i NEED enthusiasm i dont want to be a GM i just want to be 2200 or somthin
As someone who once had some sort of sports burnout (not in chess actually, in another sport) I can identify with your frustration. I set myself targets which I couldn't meet. Considering I was nowhere near the level where I might be someone who could excel in my sport, this was unnecessary, fruitless, and ultimately damaging to my morale. I am still angry with myself to this day that I spoiled what should have been an enjoyable sporting occupation by insisting that I had to excel in it.

Google "over motivation in sport" for a lot of information.

Chess has a wonderful advantage, though, in that it isn't only a sport. There are other ways to enjoy it rather than only attempting to excel. You can learn about it and appreciate it as well as playing it. Games are recorded so that we can admire the art of chess masters and learn from them.

So I suggest: stop trying to set yourself a target like 2200. (If you do achieve that, you'll only be frustrated that you can't get to 2400. It's ultimately fruitless.) Instead, enjoy the game, learn from it and appreciate it. It's not for nothing that this game has been so hugely valued and enjoyed for 1500 years!
Take a break...only gm practice 8 hours a can play 2 games...follow up by analysis then done for today
You don't have to play, if you're not feeling 'it' whatever 'it' is that we all love about this game , take a break come back when you want to play again , might be in a week might be in a few years xxx
Cheaters in Online chess just addś to your frustration. Your are probably a bit or two bits higher in reality.
Try and use those games as a free theory lesson, and if you want to improve, try playing in some high rated players simuls :)

And rests, even if just a few days can be very helpful

Hope this helps :)
You're a bum who doesn't have what it takes.
You're a chump, and a loser.
You will never make it.
You're weak and pathetic.
You're a fool.


Is that enough motivation?
If that doesn't get the blood flowing, then nothing will.
@Chessfinnisher said in #5:
> Cheaters in Online chess just addś to your frustration. Your are probably a bit or two bits higher in reality.
i have only ever played like 3 cheaters...

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