
I feel like a chess impostor

I play the at same level 1700-1800 Rapid and it's normal that people (including me) miss simple mating patterns or hang their Queen every other game. 1800 Rapid is about 1300 ELO I guess.
Ok Everyone let's be CLEAR ... If you don't STUDY CHESS you can't do well at CHESS so STUDY PLAY PLAY STUDY
My starting was worse . I started 1 year ago with the rating of 700 and now I am around 2100
I'll address your points based on your numbering:

I: You say that "at least 25% of the games [you] win by stupid blunders made by [your] opponents." Have you taken a look to see if the same is true for games you've lost? I'd be willing to bet that your opponents win the same way that you win.

II: 1100 to 1800 on lichess is 2 years is possible, and I don't think it's terribly uncommon, especially if you've been seeking games against stronger players than yourself. Also worth noting is that the true strength of players at each rating may not be the same over time. It is entirely possible that an 1100 from 2 years ago would be 1400 now without seeing any actual improvement. If this were the case, any improvement from you would reflect in a significantly higher rating.

III: There's a lot more pressure to win every game against lower rated opponents. You feel like you should win, so you try to play as well as possible, or sometimes to win faster, which can lead to recklessness, which even lower rated players can exploit. Additionally, not all ratings are truly active. The last time I played a rated blitz game against someone random was several months ago, and even longer for other time controls. I have no idea if any of my ratings are accurate. It may be the case that some of your "lower rated" opponents have outdated ratings.

All in all, you're an 1800 rated player on Lichess. The probability that you've maintained an 1800 rating with a low rating deviation as a 1400-playing strength player is negligible.
<Comment deleted by user>
"The fast progress is mostly the result of liches rating inflation."

From what I know all ratings are inflated on Lichess all the time. Meaning a FIDE rating of 2000 is equal to a Lichess rating of 2400.

Is this what you are referring to?

Your reply makes a lot of sense. Indeed, I also probably blunder at least 25% of the time.

"Especially if you've been seeking games against stronger players than yourself"

I like to play in the tournaments! It feels like a rush of adrenaline. Some ppl would say that chess can't give you that, but they are wrong.
@tijilsingh said in #13:
> My starting was worse . I started 1 year ago with the rating of 700 and now I am around 2100

UAU! Congrats! That is a crazy jump! Seriously.

700 -- is like you barely knew how the pieces move.
2100 -- move up a bit, like 200 points and you are in IM territory from what I know.
@SaiSahaana said in #4:
> Huh how do you see ur stats?

Menu from the top-right corner, you just click on the Profile.
@razm said in #18:
> UAU! Congrats! That is a crazy jump! Seriously.
> 700 -- is like you barely knew how the pieces move.
> 2100 -- move up a bit, like 200 points and you are in IM territory from what I know.

IM this is a 2300 FIDE rating not a 2300 lichess

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