
I Defeated A WCM

You can check them --
Usernames -- WFM(Jojo08), FM(Dolphin_2010), IM(harsha15)
It is bizarre that in some countries you just need to reach 1500 elo to gain the title
@SamannOyB said in #3:
> You can check them --
> Usernames -- WFM(Jojo08), FM(Dolphin_2010), IM(harsha15)

The WFM berserked against you.
You played the FM in ultrabullet. (1/4+0).
Lastly, the IM berserked against you in hyperbullet.

Nothing to be proud of I guess.
wow thats really good. best i beat is in here (1848 player)

@Prince_of_6ixty4our said in #6:
> The WFM berserked against you.
> You played the FM in ultrabullet. (1/4+0).
> Lastly, the IM berserker against you in hyperbullet.
> Nothing to be proud of I guess.
Yes, and I am not proud at all! Just show-ing off, as #1 did. But you missed many points. Titled players can berserk and win, but the first one was rather, well, not to public-shame, but the user played somewhat a little meaningless, and that made the game quite easy for me.
But, a 2200 playing ultrabullet against me, was quite hard. He managed to play very fast, and I was on the verge of losing, when suddenly, 'Coup!' And the rook is gone! And Blacks position was damaged, so he left the game.
The third game, the IM, he is always berserking and losing a lot points.
So you see, you don't see the game from its core, from its hear, its inner, rather you see it from the outside. Kindly always analyze the inner part of the games, and mention mistakes, blunders, etc.

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