
I cry foul, and hope against hope that powers that be fight the good fight to try and stop this

Strongly I feel that people should at the very least try and play chess without assistance, advanced chess should be played vs advanced chess players... all weekend I have been keyrushed and quite frankly I feel this keyrushing is done by assistance and not done by mono e mono....

And if you are reading this and think the contrary, I value your opinion, but I recommend people play by themselves and stop annoying me with your assisted play.

So what? You may ask, well, the so what is I refuse to play the ngn, and stop making me play yours, I am not happy, and if I complain I get the “oh if you feel then report “ I’m sorry, but there is not enough ngn time to investigate and prove a cheat is a cheat, so no, if you think it is okay to play chess assisted, then why even bother playing chess

I think the future of people playing advanced chess is worthless and annoying, but, this is my opinion, however wrong I may be, I just would like to be assured that my opponent just wouldn’t do it to me, I am really easy to defeat, you really do not need to “look at the answers”

Could someone please start an advanced chess league so these guys stop annoying me with this?

I am not interested in spending hours pouring over your games trying to filter out when you play chess for yourself and when you decided to use assistance...

Now you say “how do you really know?, “ and, “it’s impossible to say when one is using assistance “
I say you, who use it know it’s you, and simply I would like to say stop it, it is frustrating to try and get away from provisional players as it is, I am tired of this yo yo experience, when I finally get to a level when my opponents are truly playing chess, I get keyrushed back down to playing provisional players, and let’s discuss this crap
I play and lose 7 points, and when I win I only get 5 what is this? Can I win and get the same? But no, it as if I’m being ounsihed because I do not like the ngn’s recommendations as they are not really that good, but oh yeah, let’s believe this.... You do realize, that it is far too early to allow the ngn dictate your play...

Look, 20 years ago the ngn’s, we all can say we’re poor chessplayers, oh, you say but they were stronger than me, duh, a beginner chessplayer is stronger than me, that is nothing, in twenty years everyone will know what I am saying Is true, todays ngn are not playing chess so stop pretending you are playing chess with using them...

This is a general chess discussion, not a democratic thesis in human evolution...
As if I cannot tell you cheats are cheating, you will find out all the time you are doing this has been wasted, but what do you care until twenty ywpears has gone by and say to yourself,” I shoulda” too late my friends now that you have wasted my time, I’ll be no longer alive when you finally realize you have wasted your time, what? Am I to believe the satisfaction in all this was to have annoyed me ha!

All I’m saying is that if you think it is okay to use ngn’s against me, then start a league of ngn use, leave me out of it, and if you feel honor bound to show of your chess expertise and fool everyone, you are only cheating yourself from the richness and beauty of chess.

And, if I am completely wrong and off base, and your no level chessplayers are actually super GM’s just waiting for the chance to show the world, then you wouldn be playing me in the first place... as if, play like this and I’d never see you otb at all, and, if I’m being trolled, stop it, I am not happy with being trolled, but it makes you happy to annoy me, and frustrate me laughing at me for having my hands bandaged because in my frustration I hit objects harder than my hands, in the sheer heights of my impotence then shame on you for getting an old man upset

And if you think that I should just not play, lemmie tell you, I love chess win or lose, I am happy with wasting days on end devoted to it. But I will be unhappy when I’m not playing just you...
Why would you think you need to use assistance when it comes to playing me, is the problem, I don’t like it, and I’m sure that the ngn does not like it... 8D, and another think why take out the use of emotes in tournies and forums? What is the issue, that makes emotes less desirable...

Getting back to the point of this discussion,

Play chess for yourself stop being a slave to the ngn, you will only win using it, what fun is that, when your wins were because of assistance, it’s okay to use every advantage in life at job at home, but at chess? Why? Who are you to impress? All you end up doing is frustrating me, and if that is your goal, then you done dit it, you can stop now...
For all you “can’t wait to throw your snide two cents in people” go for it, I’m in the mood to continue this thread as long as LiChess lets me, snide people should be ashamed of yourselves for even thinking it’s fun to torment the elderly...

But it is as it is, come out to play fools, come out to play...

Now, for those with an honest opinion who would like to partake in a great conversation let’s partake, for, I am not sure the majority of online chessplayers even get the point of chess mono e mono, let’s try and get people to understand that the fact that you are willing to play chess at all is extraordinary, and your results at no time has any negative connotations, meaning that in order to play chess one must first play chess, and believe me chess players are not what your ngn use activities tell you they are, chess players are people too, we bleed when cut cry when hurt, have joy when happy, and eat when hungry

You fools go on GM’s and IM’s and FM’s streams to “show them up” us chess viewers, those of us who like watching these masters play in the first place are not fooled, when you cheat them you only manage to have wasted their time when they could be playing a player who would hold that memory of a game with *gasp , (insert your favorite chessplayer here) for the rest of their lives, but no, you get to play them instead, and make a mockery of the whole event...
All I am saying, is stop wasting everyone’s time with your ngn use nonsense you get nothing out of it, except an unprovable win vs a a chess Master,

Do you even know why a chess master is a chess master, of course not, you merely want everyone to believe you are as good as them, will you make arraignments to get to a tourney, starve for a week just to afford it, blunder your entry game and feel badly for the rest of eternity just to do it all over again?

Would you sacrifice family and friends to try and gain the title of master?
Would you , would you?

My friends it is all fun and games to be a chess legend at ten, to be grandmaster before you can produce young, but, the greater amount of those wanting to get good at chess, must suffer to fulfill their dreams, and you using an ngn to try and humiliate them in front of their audience gets old quickly....

While a player takes days and days trying. To play a master, finally gets the chance, only because the vast majority of you fools want to portray a fraud, so, if you get in line to play a verified master, and use an ngn, shame on you for there is a guy who didn’t have their chance, this player would tell their friends they played a master of chess... and be happy, but no, you get in line and use an ngn so people “think” you are an unsung master yourself...

And for those of you who can’t wait to say why so long a post, then have fun in life, you don’t have to waste your time to tell me, and spend your life being nasty to people, being trollish just because you can, the is no room for you, have fun making friends...

And for those of you who feel I put you on the spot..., huh? How so, if you are not an ngn user you shouldn’t feel anything...
Thanx for reading
@Acerb8 said in #1:

> So what? You may ask, well, the so what is I refuse to play the ngn, and stop making me play yours, I am not happy, and if I complain I get the “oh if you feel then report “ I’m sorry, but there is not enough ngn time to investigate and prove a cheat is a cheat, so no, if you think it is okay to play chess assisted, then why even bother playing chess

Please define your terms. What is "ngn"?
#3: No. My friend OP here loves to speak in great detail :)

Basically, don't use engines (i.e. "ngn") and it would be nice if there was an advanced league of some sort...maybe another site, not here...where humans and bots combined could play.


@MisterCoffee said in #4:
> #3: No. My friend OP here loves to speak in great detail :)
> Basically, don't use engines (i.e. "ngn") and it would be nice if there was an advanced league of some sort...maybe another site, not here...where humans and bots combined could play.
> Thanks.
> MrC
Oooohhh thank you @MisterCoffee a little validation goes a long way... 8D
There are only 1518 words in the original post, hardly 5 pages ...
Okay, I’m sure everyone will get this wrong, so, please allow me to elucidate...

A quick search leads me to “ Currently, there are 1774 GMs, and in total 19420 masters (GM, IM, NM, FM, CM) in the world.”
Am I to believe that every one of my opponents are one of these, I have upwards of 20k games played on lichess...
My point being that if my takes of woe were unfounded, then this search would have netted more...

I’m not saying that only a master could beat the likes of me, however, I can tell when someone is playing like a master, I’m that conceited to think my losses are mine alone... and foolish enough to to believe I was outplayed only by masters 8D.

But, actually my point of showing you the numbers is much less of my experiences as an online chessplayer, more on the fact that if chess was as easy as you think, these numbers would be stronger, as current census tells us there are several billion people living in the world, and a mere 20k chess masters?

Look at it this way, LiChess has 100k players live at almost any given time... remember, there are several billion people live at any give time on earth...
Are you to say my opinion of fraudulent players is unfounded?
My point is when we find a chess master willing to play us, we should take it as a rare occurrence and should respect the moment.
I’m not debasing anyone here when I say this, I’m sure many of us aspire to play well enough to earn such a distinction,
For a visitor on such streams when (what is the ratio, 20k masters , 7 billion people, there are 5 20k in 100k equating to 50 2k into just one million... that’s 350 thousand 20k in 7 billion
This ratio is so great, liars think they can hide in these monstrous numbers... hmmmm.... How many people are playing in tourneys that may allow a player to win enough to gain the tallies supporting their advancement towards titled?
Nothing close to 7 billion, so yes, a liar cannot hide in numbers, this stolen valor of “I’m just as good as a master but not a master” is simply improbable, not unlikely, and surely not a place to cry about being treated unfairly by a streaming master...
The numbers you think you can hide in just hold no cover when it comes to lying about your chess strength
Any argument otherwise hold no ground because you argue for proving a fallacy, and are not the player you think would argue it if you were the player, it just does not happen.

Chess is simple enough for everyone to know how to move the pieces, but complex enough to show that there is a great divide between knowing how to move the pieces to actually play chess.
And even there, we know the strength of an FM, a FiDe master, is unbelievable at our vantage point, wow that guy is good we say... wait til you understand that there is a difference between the strength between a FM and an international Master... what? You think this is a matter of getting opportunities... everyone knows that to drop down to 1300 lichess means a player is lacking something from the LiChess start of 1500... can a true 1500 player play convincingly vs a 1200 player?

Everyone disrespects a low titled player hahahaahh .... What fun but not entirely true, a master at chess has proven their mastery, but wait, there’s more, (allusion to that guy asking if this is spam, what disrespect and they want to be taken seriously in every part of their lives) but yes there is more... less than 20k masters there are only 2 thousand Grand Masters, am I to believe that 18k titled players are not trying to gain the GM title... remember, there are 7 billion people and 2000 of them are chess grand masters

How many groups of 2 thousand are in 7 billion... and you have nasty things to say about any master let alone 2k grand masters...
So you tell me where is the evidence that there are millions of grandmasters who just didn’t get the title?
These unsung heroes 100k momentarily on LiChess at any given time, 20k are verified masters... if each of verified masters know for sure 20 of their followers are at least in their estimation master strength this is what a million , and a million is a far cry from several billion people in the world...

You still don’t get how impressive a FiDe master is... ever play an 800 lichess player? A FiDe Mater plays everyone other than other masters as if we are playing 800’s, that is not much of an exaggeration mind you...
So you still think you can hide in numbers you cheating fool, the numbers just do not hold room for unsung heroes of chess...
Even though you may ‘think’ “7 billion people you don’t know I am not a master level player”

Okay, not enough awareness in a liar telling a lie so open with numbers astronomical... how many good players fall for silly tactics... huh? Even masters fall for them time to time, but not you, you lying chessplayer want to be...
I play an opening that most players just don’t get, because it is difficult to realize the nuances, am I to believe that it is possible that the majority of these 7 billion people are such great chess players that they skirt the pitfalls. Ha!

Still, even though there are so many people playing chess, how many of you restarted you online profile because your numbers are not of your liking... think about this, how many grandmasters have atrocious numbers who wish they could just start over, probably everyone of them, but they cannot, they lay their soul bare to have this title, and we get to see their worst games...

Another point looking ar computer age ability, one minute ches otb is impossible can you premove. Otb? What write down your 26 move checkm8 and watch it play out? Otb... I don’t think so...
You have negative opinion on a titled players ability to play, I find interesting a bit disrespectful but interesting nonetheless less

I don’t get correspondence chess, but quit frankly a method to prove one’s cheating lies here where correspondence chess has become an advanced chess venue where the best possible moves are played... and you play (unasssted) these moves and say you do not cheat?

Oh, the argument I memorized...
Looka at this, it may be questionable but...
“ Fewer than 100 people have a photographic memory. Photographic memory is the ability to recall a past scene in detail with great accuracy – just like a photo. Although many people claim they have it, we still don't have proof that photographic memory actually exists.May 25, 2021”
So, you lie when you “memorized that particular line... fool....
Every GM talks about the fruitless pursuit of memorizing lines... hmmmm....
So, I cry foul especially when someone argues their special brain

I have Asperger’s and my mind after magnetic resonance shows that my brain is different, physically different.... And cannot purport things like esp and espn tuned in... 8D
So, what chance does the average person being a GM just not have opportunities to make it a reality pretty good, but better is the chance of fraudulent activity more like

Hope this clarifies my argument a little bit

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