
i am confused in this position

uh guys the black king move around the board and you cannot possibly mate him so he can just let his pawn die and the king and bishop cannot mate the lone king and if they try to go after the king then their is a threat of pawn promotion. So in any case,
it's a draw
@fish224 said in #16:
> Hmmm.. YES, black TRULY cannot be checkmated in this position!

No he can and he can be mated in 15 moves.

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "8/8/k7/p7/3B4/K7/8/8 w - - 0 1"]

1. Ka4 Kb7 2. Kb5 a4 3. Kb4 Kc6 4. Kc4 Kd6 5. Kb4 Ke6 6. Kb5 Kf5 7. Kb4 Ke4 8. Kb5 Kd3 9. Kb4 Kc2 10. Kb5 Kb1 11. Kb4 Ka2 12. Bc5 Ka1 13. Kc3 a3 14. Kc2 a2 15. Bd4#
because no good player will play stupid moves as to mate so if both players are good then it is a draw
dude why would black place himself in such a position he can keep his knight away and then Spoiler. black cannot be checkmated

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