
How to get good at chess

@king123lives said in #6:
> so when do i do other things and i try but i never get better

You've been on here for 2 whole days. Hope you've put a little more effort into it than that.
@king123lives said in #1:
> title

Maybe play stockfish everyday for a week at level 2 or 3 and don’t play higher level until you have beaten both 2 and 3

Just my advice

Hope this helps
@TheKingClash said in #10:
> Around 1500. Slow chess (rapid and classical) ratings are most important.

Thanks for letting me know, once I get my classical rating back up to 1678 will you rate different?
If someone can tell me how to get off 1500 and 1600 (lichess) rating and into the great beyond.
<Comment deleted by user>
well if you want go look at my profile and you'll see I have done a lot of puzzles
@MrPushwood said in #14:
> You've been on here for 2 whole days. Hope you've put a little more effort into it than that.
yes but i play chess often

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