
How to get better while staying free?

Check out Lots of coaches from all over the world, and some have very frugal rates. I think a coach is really helpful. It helped me a ton.
Your rating is quite high in Blitz. It clear shows that you don't require a coach. Also, play slower time controls as they tell true picture of ones strength. But if you want to play serious chess and really want to improve then you should do something to make ends meet. You will have to confront your parents that you want to develop your chess if you really want to. Try playing at local chess clubs or tournaments. People there can tell you about some coach. You can search for chess coaching online and see if they are reasonable within your money reach.

How old are you though?
@lvbelc5 said in #1:
>I am 1 year from being able to get a job in my state (united states, state).

In the country where you can mown your neighbors grass or walk their dogs for some cash, i find this statement as an excuse.
But there is indeed a lot of free resources on the web.

Though your rating seems to indicate that you are not that weak as a player. You should be able to find where are you lacking on your own if you compare your games with the database or the engine. More work that looks like you are also trying to avoid.

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