
How should we deal with cheaters, since lichess support is very weak

Find me a (non-flagged) cheater with more than 7.500 games on Lichess.
"chess24 and chessdotcom deal with cheaters better" -wha..? No. I just got a "someone you reported was banned" message :) That cheater was even flagged!

Punishment is good but when do they apply that punishment? This is the main issue, after they caused frustration for hundereds of players? The entire topic is about this. Sometimes they don't even catch the cheaters.

This also answers that IM who said a complete nonsense.

I understand moderators and admins and some users love lichess and this is why they cannot tolerate any critics and bunch of trolls will dislike without even reading the post. But having a title and being that low is miserable.
Maybe you should listen to that IM.

Lichess detection (Irwin) is extremely strong. As for your comparisons to and chess24, you made it seem that lichess was inferior while also having no data to back this up whatsoever.

People can tolerate criticism, but criticism without data and making unsubstantiated claims? Not so much.

Clearly I'm not talking about bullet. Also tactics was one of the measurements to consider someone is cheater, not all possible measurements.

BTW, No you don't need to think 20 min to solve tactics of rating 2000, one with chess rating 2100 needs less than 30 second to solve them in average. Of course there are exceptional cases, people who are better strategical for example, and clearly you don't expect them to perform stunning tactics in short time in the game. Or any other reason they might have lower tactic rating. But this is why this item is only one of the measurements.

My comparision is based on reports that I made and the number of times lichess catched the cheater, compared to the same thing with (well chess24 is also not good). By saying something is strong doesn't make it strong. I'm good enough to detect cheaters, better than any existing AI's. Of course I also sometimes report suspicious people not always those that I'm sure. But outcome of lichess is quite weak.
Saying that you are better than AIs is quite a bold statement :P
Just to let you know, there are quite a few mods on the mod team that are very experienced in the areas of cheating and detecting cheating themselves, so if your reports don't end up in bans, it's probably because they weren't cheating and you were wrong :)
Unfortunately for you, I'm the man of logic, otherwise you could have find a single flaw in my reasoning and bold instead of trolling.

It could be that they do not manage the reports properly and ignore many.

Yes, I'm very good at detecting cheaters, at least when I play with them. But this doesn't effect the statistics that here in lichess I got nearly zero cheater opponent (according to moderators). On the other hand in since my rating is higher, more often I play with titled players and still outcome of my reports were more positive.
Saying that you are smarter than Lichess' cheat detection system is bold. Find a cheater who wasnt flagged and played several k games. You can't. They get quickly banned. That's the reason you get zero cheaters.

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