
How do you berserk?

I always berserk in 5+0, 10+0 and 20+10 and in other time controls as well ( above 5 mins). In 3 min games I sometimes berserk against lower raters but if I am in berserk mood then I will berserk against all ( even 600+ Opponents). In bullet I rarely berserk. It is your choice when will you berserk.
I berserk versus players that is 2000 and lower in blitz and rapid, but never in bullet. Maybe if I meet 1500 and lower. I find berserk very effective as it stresses the opponent and gives a pschyological advantage + when u win u get 3 points! It gives u more training to win easily over those who is beneath ur rating.

I'm so glad has the berserk button <3

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