
How common are multiple users on an account?

Animosity, ad hominem, abusiveness, and so on and so forth have literally NO place in the world of chess.
Hope you can see that some day.
And stop making me laugh.
The view is, and always will be: Magnus was never cheating, and is not a cheater. (at least not based on what we know)
"Thank you, I didn't see that move!"

Really blows your position out of the water.
@Cedur216 said in #42:
> The view is, and always will be: Magnus was never cheating, and is not a cheater. (at least not based on what we know)

But that's very false and completely untrue.

The thing is Magnus didn't cheat Once, twice, three times, four or 5 times but significantly more than that. You are okay with it -- why? Because you just like him. But that's not acceptable. Chess is not a popularity contest. Nor is it something you can "buy." But you when defend the abusiveness of Carlsen's position, you are degrading the positive community aspects of chess that have been built up, in some cases quite painstakingly, over the last century.
you always came up with the BSG moments, which are literally not cheating on his end. Anything else you can offer? I don't think so

(also good job how you succeed at derailing threads)
Unapologetically, with the idea or belief of his absolute immunity, and quite a bit of laughter. You think Ageist comments, attacking people or insultin them for just being young, are a positive thing? You have -- quite literally -- senseless animosity just for the sake of indirect or direct harm. Indirect perhaps but when you have people saying unimaginably horrific things about his opponents in chat when they are playing, it really makes you wonder what kind of a person this is. (Or not, if you have a bit more clear headedness.)

It's not okay to abuse others just because you lose to them, and it's *certainly* not okay to cheat. Which has been going on for quite a while in the Carlsen-Tari camp.

"Sometimes cheating is the only way"-- Tari;
"I'll probably get away with it -- I usually do." -- Carlsen.

So what do you want to say about that?

"Fair play" is a complete and utter joke to these people.

$84 million is all it takes to try to end someone's career? Rofl.
@Cedur216 said in #46:
> you always came up with the BSG moments, which are literally not cheating on his end. Anything else you can offer? I don't think so
> (also good job how you succeed at derailing threads)

You constantly endorse cheating, and *YES,* collusion *is* cheating.
You would be okay if every single opponent you played had a Grandmaster discussing the entire game with them?

You do you. But we will continue on defending the game against people who do this kind of *crap.* And yes, yes it is. Excrement.
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