
How Can We Get An Unofficial Title in Lichess like LM or BM, and are more available?

Hello! I was wondering if there a more unofficial online titles on Lichess, and how can we get them?
@Gravija said in #2:
> What is BM? Bodybuilder Master?
Clearly you have never seen me or my games, if you would have and known that I am a BM, you would know that
a) I am not a bodybuilder
b) BM stands for blunder master.

@Tarush_123 said in #1:
> Hello! I was wondering if there a more unofficial online titles on Lichess, and how can we get them?
Only LM exists on lichess, and there is no way to get them as lichess has stopped giving them out.
I really dont se need for any titles on online site.
@petri999 said in #4:
> I really dont se need for any titles on online site.

Excuse me, but, what did you just say??
@Tarush_123 said in #1:
> Hello! I was wondering if there a more unofficial online titles on Lichess, and how can we get them?

For the LM title (Lichess master), Lichess will offer you the title and approach you for it if they deem you’re worthy. It’s only given to people who contribute massively to the site and have done very well. They take into account your ratings on standard chess + variants, your amount of forum posts, simuls, studies and tournament points.
@J-Jones said in #6:
> They take into account your ratings on standard chess + variants, your amount of forum posts, simuls, studies and tournament points.

I do not think we do that. And if we did, it would certainly not be amount, but quality instead.
@anonmod said in #7:

Trust me, if you check any LM's account, they'll have loads of tournament points and pretty much loads of everything else too. But yes, they have to be pretty good as well obviously...
@J-Jones said in #8:
> Trust me, if you check any LM's account, they'll have loads of tournament points and pretty much loads of everything else too. But yes, they have to be pretty good as well obviously...
You don't realise he is a mod?

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