
Hikaru is Fischer's son?!?! || Samuel Feinberg Chess

Hikaru Nakamura was born December 9, 1987 in Hirakata, in the Osaka Prefecture of Japan. Interestingly enough, Robert Fischer had been living in Japan for a long time, and due to owing back-taxes from several years, he was arrested in Japan in July 2004.

Prior to this, Fischer had long been known to have a girlfriend, Miyoko Watai, who was born in Japan in 1945. Miyoko was a FIDE Master who met Fischer in 1973, and is known to have visited him many times over three decades. Hikaru was raised by his step-father, and has recently shown some early home videos of his trip with his mother to revisit his country of birth when he was seven years of age.

It is generally thought that Bobby Fischer had little interest in marriage or kids during his lifetime, but it’s interesting to speculate whether this obvious overlap in time and space, along with Nakamura’s exceedingly high chess ability, may in fact be a result of one of the numerous circumstances in which Hikarus’s mother had ample opportunity to meet and know the former World Champion of Chess.

It’s only speculation, of course, but the fact that Hikaru was not only born in Japan, but has made trips to Iceland, where Fischer once lived and is actually buried, could in fact be more than a strong coincidence. Only a few people who remain living, along with possibly some sources deep within 23andMe, could possibly reveal what some people have long suspected, and that is the obvious conjecture: is Hikaru Nakamura the Unknown Son of Chess Legend, Robert James Fischer?

This can only be said to be a rumor, and the fact that Hikaru enjoys bowling and an occasional tall glass of cold milk does not of course prove that he is the spawn of the formidable chess star who took on the entire Soviet System in the early 1970s. But it sure does make a great story, and it would be a fantastic plot to explore in a sequel to the original 1993 hit movie “Searching for Bobby Fischer.”

Do I believe the rumors? Did these two, long-lost father and son, actually meet along the shores of the Adriatic Sea in 1990, before war broke out in Yugoslavia? Was the young baby Hikaru also welcomed into the Polgar Family’s summer home along the shores of Lake Balaton in Hungary in the early years of Hikaru’s life, before Judit was even born? And has anyone seen any DNA results that would confirm or deny these rumors, not only of the parentage of Hikaru, but of Judit as well?

Could the younger Polgar Sister actually be step-sister to the world’s greatest Blitz Chess Player, Hikaru Nakamura, and could both be the progeny of Bobby Fischer? I find it highly suspect, but it is a bit uncanny how many times these unlikely, would-be relatives have played virtually the same chess openings, move-per-move, over the chessboard, and spanning much of the last half-century.

Without the DNA, we can only speculate: but my advice is, look at the chess moves to find the truth. Perhaps what would be the most incredible conspiracy within the world of chess is really no conspiracy at all: right in front of our eyes, it could merely be a family in which even the participants don’t know the whole truth. And we know no more than they do; but we certainly know no less, as well. Happy late Birthday Champ!

Why did I post this? Many people love Hikaru and this might be an interesting read for our fellow Naka fans! God bless!
Even if the 'rumors' are true it wouldn't be that interesting, not to me anyways. Like why would I care who Hikaru's father is?
So you closed your old account to post the same thing you posted last week under a new account? lololol
lool guy creates another account for GM Hikaru mans addicted to Fisher Hikaru relationship lol
There was already a thread on this very recently ... same verbiage ... Somebody please close this ...
Oh, apologies. I posted that on my old account which I closed. Didn't realise the post would still be there
Interestingly enough, while Fischer was incarcerated in Japan he ran into Paul McCartney, who apparently is still being held in custody (along with his remaining bags of Lumbo).
Throw an alien abduction in there and maybe sprinkle in a little martial arts, a high speed car chase or two... convert the whole thing into a screen play and presto you've got yourself a blockbuster. ( It doesn't hurt to dream.)

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