
Hi guys, I want to climb to 1500 rating (On this website) over the next year

You need to understand ideas behind the moves rather than memorize them. Otherwise, a different move order or a sideline and you are done.
All you helpful and patient guys trying to give YGNR helpful advice should google the term "Sealioning". It's a specific form of trolling.
Any of you noticed yet that there's not been one single "Thanks!"?
Yeah noticed that: what is an opening, what is a long diagonal?

I would have reacted much quicker in the forum where I am mod. Saw this kilometers ahead.

Otherwise, so what. People discuss seriously without the sealion.
"You need to understand ideas behind the moves rather than memorize them. Otherwise, a different move order or a sideline and you are done."

One can memorize moves first and understand them later. Book moves are like training wheels on a bicycle. In 1986, I began copying the main line of the Gruenfeld that Kasparov and Karpov had played to move fourteen in the hope of one day understanding them. Over time, I did, but memorization came first. Knowing a move is correct is as valid a reason for playing it as understanding why it is correct.

The real problem isn't even memorization, but that most people are not "booked up" on middlegame patterns, so they lose to players who are, players who can't be blasted out of the opening. Still, memorized openings will give better middlegame positions for study.

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