
Help me to progress in chess

What things do you think I can improve in this game?
For a start, you could go through the moves marked as blunders in the analysis and try to understand what was wrong with them and/or why the alternative moves suggested by the engine are so much better. Example: 11... Rxf7 lets white pick the bishop on h6 for free while Bxd2+ would be with check so that after any legal move of white, black can still take the knight on f7 and, more important, keep their own queen. This also explains why 11. Nxf7 was a blunder as it effectively loses a queen for a pawn (more precisely, queen and knight for bishop and pawn).

Doing this yourself (or at least trying to) will be more helpful than letting for someone else tell you.
@Noob862 When on move 11 you took the knight instead of the queen (with check), you maybe did not understand the concept of "danger levels".

Maybe this video will help you learning this concept and from here you can try to implement the concept in your future games.

Good luck on your lifelong chess journey.
Thanks you for the tips!!!!

(Nfx7 was terrible...)
@Noob862 At your level only thing you need to do is reduce blunders and use your opponets blunders. And if you are going to play sicilian, play sveshnikov or just play caro-kann
@Noob862 said in #1:
> What things do you think I can improve in this game?
Maybe spend more than ~4 seconds choosing your 11th move?
"... Most internet players think that 30 5 is slow, but that is unlikely slow enough to play 'real' chess. You need a game slow enough so that for most of the game you have time to consider all your candidate moves as well as your opponent’s possible replies that at least include his checks, captures, and serious threats, to make sure you can meet all of them. For the average OTB player G/90 is about the fastest, which might be roughly 60 10 online, where there is some delay. But there is no absolute; some people think faster than others and others can play real chess faster because of experience. Many internet players are reluctant to play slower than 30 5 so you might have to settle for that as a 'slow' game." - NM Dan Heisman (2002)

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