
Help me to progress in chess

You need to study the basics. Start of with learning common tacticlal themes ( I can't remember any books on it but i know there are a few and lichess has a basic intro to them, and there are lichess studies). after learning a tactical theme do a whole bunch of tactics on it. do 1 to 4 move tactics to start.
Learn basic principles (there are loads of studies on lichess).
That would be a good start.

PS: I'm rubbish so take what I said with a grain of salt.
Good grief. My advice would be for both of you who played this game to get on your knees and pray to God for forgiveness.
Plenty to learn from the above. I'd keep it quite broad brush and general, so the obvious ones are:

1. Opening. You had go at challenging the centre, and castled quickly. This is good! But pay more attention to getting your pieces out. Sure, if you see a winning capture or a checkmate in the opening, go for it, but if in doubt, get something off the back rank. You never really developed your queenside in the game. That's all the opening knowledge you need for now - play for central control, king safety and development and forget about learning specific lines.
2. You should concentrate on tactics, and even more just on basic counting (I take, he takes, etc).
3. Slow down - if you had taken a little time to consider all the checks and captures in the position you would have won the game on your 11th move.

And keep at it. Nobody ever got worse by practicing.
Purchase weapons of chess which studies basic strategy and tactics book. This took me from 1350-1600. Assessing games with a computer will do less good than other chess resources. Especially just as a beginner.
To the OP:

Puzzle Streak is the way to go.
I would also suggest rather than mixed puzzles you select the mates-in-1 theme - not as easy as some might think!

Not a great fan of Puzzle Storm as it drives you to think less rather than more and is more for Blitz players, imo.

Puzzle Streak can get a bit boring so I suggest you set yourself weekly targets, i.e. 10, 11, 12 etc, add a sense of daily achievement to the practice. Also note it may take a few weeks before you feel the benefit, so don't give up if you think you have plateau-ed.

To give you an idea of long term goals: I am around 1500-1600 elo in rapid, and for Puzzle Streak I aim for the mid-30s score and practice mates-in-3 up to an rating of 2500 elo. Your looking at 1 to 2 hours a day, however in your case I would suggest around 30mins per day, frequency is more important than duration.

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