
Guess my ratings

This is my account for opening experimentation and casual games. Feel free to look through my games and guess my lichess ratings.
Participation is entirely optional. Just curious what people would make of my games. :-)
@Move_In_Silence_2024 said in #2:
> You need to delete previous accounts. Multiple accounts is not allowed.

Has the policy changed then? From what I remember, up to 3 accounts are allowed.
i looked at one game and based on my analysis i can say you're are close 1500 1600 at best. you play quite good taking up space. I just think you need better time management
@MediocrePatzer said in #1:
> This is my account for opening experimentation and casual games. Feel free to look through my games and guess my lichess ratings.
> Participation is entirely optional. Just curious what people would make of my games. :-)

You are probably 2400 lichess in Blitz, maybe 2100 classic and 1900 fide. you play the openings in a way that is too close to OTB (notably the quality of the variations you play of the Italian opening) and you are not yet corrupted by the cheap bullet traps.

you have good versatility around e4 openings, and not really a favorite opening, which is another argument.