
Good - beginner/intermediate - book on French defence

I am looking for a food beginner/intermediate level book on French defence. Optimally, from the Black side. I am looking for a substantial narrative (move by move format, ideally) and not too many variants (which I will not come across at my level any way). I do like the books from the Move by Move series, as well as Lakdawala and McDonald. Is The French Move by Move by Lemas any good? I'd appreciate any recommendations :-)
Which is what I did. Isn't it? (are there any other forums)
i dont play much french defense im more E4 but i think i can help you!
if you search some videos?... of the french defense it will help you! srry for the bad inglish im spanish
@Daimonion said in #5:
> May I ask for the link, please?
yeah why not the moders will help you i think!

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