
germans are very very cold analystics.

Ganz einfach weil es zu wenig gefördert wird. Würde es so sehr gefördert werden wie in Russland wären die Deutschen sicher recht gut in Schach. Leider wird es hier immer noch mehr als Spiel als als Sport angesehen.

Jan Gustafsson is pretty good with a rating above 2600.
Donchenko is #1 in Germany in chess now... 2657. Interestingly, Bobby Fischer's name came up when I did a search (looking for Donchenko). His (real) father was likely from Germany... The story in this is interesting, Kasparov details it in Volume 4 of his My Great Predecessors work.

The issue today is you have a lot of players guarding the top seats at chess. And then you have the World Champion, Carlsen. Norwegians are pretty smart too. But then it maybe doesn't have all that much to do with nationality. ;)

With a nod to Eleu, have a nice day. :)
Because nationality is a generalization and "best" is a specification. Race is a social construct - not biological. There are often more differences within supposed "races" than between them. So it's about the individual, not their nationality.

That said, it was a German who held the Chess World Championship longer than anyone in history. 27 years.
Why'd you have to go and bring race into it? :D

Kidding ya.


Yep.... _and_ Lasker also did some things no one else has done . . . for instance multiple world championships he won all decisive games... (+8 against Marshall, excluding draws)... Marshall was no slouch.
While they chased the Jews out before 1940: Steinitz,, Lasker....
At the moment there are more German chess players than Russian.
Steinitz was Austrian-Ungarian citizen born in Prag and later US american citizen. Many German names in the chess history came from there.

FIDE doesn't give any membership data and I don't know to read Russian. Afaik Germany has only more titled players than Russia because paying for the FM title is easier to afford in the economic better situated country. The Deutscher Schachbund has 92k members according to his homepage. Can anyone check the number for the Russian Chess Federation, please?

In Corresponcence Chess there were several German Word Champions and winners of the team competitions.

"they chased the jews" is offending and wrong. It were nationalists and fascists. Jews were germans like other social groups too and they are today germans, if they decide to live here. So logically your sentence accuses jews too, even if you probably didn't intend to do so. It is like writing "the US americans" if you describe the crimes of Klu-Klux-Klan or other US criminals against black people, who were and are US americans.
The number of people with antisemitic attitude is about equal in all european countries and the right wing nationalist parties all over europe attack jews, strangers, ... because they need it for their politics of social separation. And Europe is no exception in the world.

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