
Gambits List

@PepeMaster : Depending on how strong your opponent is, you can have different hopes. For example, I played the grob (1. g4?!) against a person I know (in real life), with the hope of winning the opponent's rook (it worked really well). Black resigns at move 5. So, perhaps it is a gambit, because I sacrificed two pawns in the hope of winning a rook.
1.e4 e5 2.d4 is Center Game.
Budapest is 4-ply and I''ll add that later.
Danish is 5-ply.
I played Urusov for a while, and Started with 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nf3- 7-ply.

I'm making a private study for the names
( I found out Tennison , forgot Lisitsin. Gambits after 1.c4 f5 ( 2.e4 / 2.g4 )
Smith-Morra is Much more-ply.
I consider gambits with a name.
1.a4 b5 won't be added
Albin is 4-ply.

Thanks for the Coca-Cola,
Herrstrom (?).

Then I'll add 4-plies. There are many.
I couldn't edit my first post, so I'm opening another thread on ( you can find me with the same username savagechess2k there but I'm only active in the forums. )

P.S I'm currently struggling to solve a CAPTCHA LoL

Oh those pawns were moving towards black .
Many opening explorers give the Sturm gambit: 1. f4 d5 2. c4 ... but I think only the sequence: 1. f4 d5 2. c4 Nf6 3. cd: Nd5 4. e4 Nf4 as in the stem game (1) should be called this way. An early c4 can quite often be seen in other variations of the Bird, to which the first would simply transpose, but are no gambits.


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